The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, January 4, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Freeman Ford, Darrell Wiley, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman- Dupas, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis, and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill.
Absent: None.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member James Gauthier.
An Invocation was offered by Rev. Mary L. Hayward-Jones.
Judge William Bennett was recognized to administer the Oath of Office to new and re-elected members of the Board, as follows:
Freeman Ford, District 1; Darrell Wiley, District 2; Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., District 3; James Gauthier, District 4; Shelia Blackman-Dupas, District 5; Michael Lacombe, District 7; Van Kojis, District 8; and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill, District 9.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine advised the Board that the terms of office for the President and Vice-President of the Avoyelles Parish School Board had expired. He then called for nominations for the office of President.
Mrs. Shelia Blackman-Dupas placed the name of Freeman Ford in nomination for the office of President. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mrs. Cynthia “Cindy” Hill placed the name of Van Kojis in nomination for the office of President. The motion was seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr.
Superintendent Lemoine requested that the Board members vote for the member nominated, as follows:
The motion to appoint Mr. Van Kojis as President of the Board was as follows:
Ayes: Darrell Wiley, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill
Nays: Shelia Blackman-Dupas
Abstained: Freeman Ford
Mr. Van Kojis was elected President of the Board for a one year term.
Mr. Kojis expressed his thanks to the members for their vote of confidence in electing him President of the Board.
President Van Kojis called for nominations for the office of Vice-President.
Mr. Darrell Wiley placed the name of Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. in nomination for the office of Vice-President. The motion was seconded by James Gauthier.
On motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board agreed to close nominations.
The motion to appoint Mr. Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. as Vice- President of the Board was as follows:
Ayes: Darrell Wiley, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill
Nays: Shelia Blackman-Dupas and Freeman Ford
Mr. Carlos Mayeux, Jr. was elected Vice-President of the Board for a one year term.
Board Member Shelia Blackman-Dupas placed in nomination the name of Rev. Mary L. Hayward-Jones to temporarily fill the Avoyelles Parish School Board District 6.
A motion was offered by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, seconded by Freeman Ford, to temporarily appoint Rev. Mary L. Hayward-Jones to fill Avoyelles Parish School Board District 6 vacated by Mrs. Lizzie Ned.
The motion was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Freeman Ford, Darrell Wiley, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Van Kojis, Michael Lacombe, and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill.
Nays: None.
Judge William Bennett administered the Oath of Office to Rev. Mary L. Hayward-Jones to temporarily fill the Avoyelles Parish School Board District 6 of the Board.
Board Member James Gauthier addressed the Board with concern for former Board Member Lizzie Ned. He stated that she served the Board for four years and he wonders whether there is an injustice without her having a voice in the discussion and decision of the appointment. He advised of his concerns for denying the voters of this district who they wanted as their spokesperson.
District Attorney Charles Riddle, III advised that there will be a recommendation that a special election be called in October, during the regular election of this coming year. He further stated that the results of the 2010 census will be issued which means in 2011 the School Board must address reapportionment and it may be very possible that during the reapportionment process that District 6 would include Mrs. Ned’s residence and may change the districts that are adjacent to it.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held Tuesday, December 7, 2010, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board. MOTION CARRIED.
President Van Kojis relinquished the gavel to Vice-President Carlos A. Mayeux,
Vice-President Mayeux presiding.
President Van Kojis read a resolution of respect to the late Foster A. Calcote, teacher and principal.
On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Foster A. Calcote. MOTION CARRIED.
Ms. Cindy Hill, Board Member, read a resolution of respect to the late Curley Desselles, Sr., custodian.
On motion by Cindy Hill, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Curley Desselle, Sr. MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Freeman Ford, Board Member, read a resolution of respect to the late Ura Mae Dubea, food service manager.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Ura Mae Dubea. MOTION CARRIED.
President Van Kojis read a resolution of respect to the late Narcille Johnson, teacher.
On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Narcille Johnson. MOTION CARRIED.
President Kojis presiding.
Mr. Michael Lacombe, Board Member, recognized Allisa Bonaventure as Student of the Month.
Board Member Lacombe stated that Allisa is 12 years old and a sixth grade student at Cottonport Elementary School. Allisa is the daughter of Shelly and Johnny Bonaventure and attends Hessmer Baptist Church.
Allisa is currently a member of the Junior Beta and 4-H Club. She has also served as parliamentarian and recreational leader of the 4-H Club. She has received awards for Most Outstanding Student, A-B Honor Roll, Citizenship, Perfect Attendance, 4-H Demonstration Day, Beta District Day in public speaking and Top Accelerated Reader student.
In her spare time she enjoys drawing, reading, playing sports, actively participates in school clubs, helping teachers, spending time with her family and volunteering for her community such as a recent food drive completed by the Beta Club.
Allisa’s goal is to attend Louisiana State University and to become a pediatrician.
The Board congratulated Allisa Bonaventure and her parents for all their hard work.
Mr. James Gauthier, Board Member, addressed the Board regarding the procedure for naming a Student of the Month.
Board Member James Gauthier stated that he feels the students that are being recognized for Student of the Month are not being rewarded and gave several suggestions on special privileges.
The Board was receptive to Mr. Gauthier’s suggestions and requested that this matter be discussed further.
Mr. Robby Gaspard, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, volunteered himself and his department to gather recommendations and suggestions from the principals on their ideas for rewarding these students.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine recognized teachers who were awarded grants from Elder Wood Preserving Company, as follows:
Randy Ducote, Bunkie High School; Sheila Saucier, Cottonport Elementary School; Gertrude Milligan, Marksville Elementary School; Rachel Miles, Marksville Elementary School; Sophie Woods, Marksville Elementary School; Brandi Lacombe, Marksville Elementary School; Tammy Tassin, Marksville Elementary School; Aimee Hayes, Plaucheville Elementary School; Rhonda Gauthier, Plaucheville Elementary School; and Sherry Reech, Riverside Elementary School.
Also, Superintendent Lemoine recognized Ms. Tammy Tassin, teacher at Marksville Elementary School. Mr. Lemoine stated that Ms. Tassin was awarded a QSM Grant in the amount of $748.00 for mathematics and science materials.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, the Board agreed that money received from the One Million Dollars of Revenue Bonds (Taxable QSCB), Series, 2011 will not be spent until the Board has received approval from the Federal Court and, further the Board granted the authority of its legal counsel to seek approval. MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Howard Desselle, Citizen of Marksville, addressed the Board.
Mr. Desselle stated that we need to have the children of this parish educationally trained and asked the Board whether they will be ready should industry locate to this parish.
He discussed with the Board the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating the high schools and the recommendations made by Dr. William Gordon, Consultant, and how these recommendations are not being followed.
Mr. Desselle stated that Avoyelles Parish is the lowest funding parish out of 69 other school districts. Mr. Desselle stated that he conducted a survey and was made aware that the salaries in Avoyelles Parish are eight to ten thousand dollars a year lower. He stated that the children are attending college and working elsewhere. Mr. Desselle stated that a plan needs to be devised in order to raise these salaries. He encouraged the Board to formulate a plan. Also, Mr. Desselle recommended that the Board increase and promote education in this parish by increasing Board funding.
Board Member Freeman Ford requested an update from Mr. Riddle regarding the status on the consolidation of one high school as per the order issued by Federal Judge Dee Drell.
Attorney Charles Riddle, III advised the Board that Judge Drell is not ready to determine whether one high school is approved until there is community interest within the parish. Mr. Riddle stated that hearings are called every six months in order to discuss issues and plans.
Mr. Wilfred Ducote, Sales Tax Collector, reported that sales tax collections for the month of November, 2010 totaled $470,126.82. Mr. Ducote stated that of this amount the 1% sales tax generated $313,417.88 and the ½% sales tax generated $156,708.96.
Mr. James Gauthier, Board Member, addressed the Board regarding enforcement of student absence regulations.
Board Member James Gauthier discussed the policy on the student absences in Avoyelles Parish and stated that the policy is not being enforced. Mr. Gauthier stated that there have been seniors who are graduating with an excess number of absences and they have not made up those absences. He stated that if the students are not in the classroom, they cannot be taught. Furthermore, Mr. Gauthier stated that the attendance regulations are placed there for a purpose and it is the responsibility of the parents to insure that their children attend school and if it is not being done then the Board needs to follow-up according to the policy and insure that policy is implemented.
Mr. Robby Gaspard, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, presented the Board with information concerning the transitions made this year regarding procedures and policies with the truancy laws.
District Attorney Charles Riddle, III stated that he is reviewing a new program which has a very effective way of enforcing attendance and will present this to the Board after receiving further information.
Superintendent Lemoine advised the Board of schools converting over to a different Student Information System which will be more effective in this area.
Mr. James Gauthier, Board Member, addressed the Board regarding consideration of having a parliamentarian at each School Board meeting.
This matter was discussed and the Board agreed to refer this matter to the Executive Committee for review and discussion and then brought back to the Board.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine requested permission from the Board to enter into a professional service agreement with Teach for America.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board granted permission for the Superintendent to enter into a professional service agreement with Teach for America. MOTION CARRIED.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine addressed the Board regarding implementation of a Avoyelles Parish Virtual School Program.
On motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board accepted the recommendation of Superintendent Lemoine regarding implementation of Avoyelles Parish Virtual Schools. MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, presented a bid-opening committee report on repairs and renovations for Marksville Elementary School and Marksville High School. Mr. Marcotte stated that the committee acknowledged receipt of the following bids:
ALT. # 1 |
ALT. #2 |
ALT. #3 |
Petron |
$779,000.00 |
$113,000.00 |
$127,000.00 |
$55,000.00 |
Scallan Contractors, Incorporated |
$1,086,744.00 |
$113,660.00 |
$157,106.00 |
$55,079.00 |
Westerchil Construction Company |
$1,079,00.00 |
$149,000.00 |
$172,000.00 |
$54,400.00 |
Wilmar Construction Company |
$1,122,000.00 |
$155,000.00 |
$182,960.00 |
$55,800.00 |
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board awarded the contract to Petron for repairs and renovations for Marksville Elementary School and Marksville High School as specified in the bid-opening report. MOTION CARRIED.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine presented personnel changes for the Board’s consideration, as follows:
BUNKIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Resignation of Bobby W. Smith, teacher, effective December 31, 2010, for the purpose of retirement.
PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Pamela Rabalais, teacher, effective January 3, 2011 through May 20, 2011.
AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Kenneth Maillet, (retired) In-School Suspension teacher, effective January 3, 2011 through May 20, 2011, replacing Ken Marsh who resigned.
BUNKIE HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Karen Ducote, Literacy Interventionist (SIP Grant), effective January 5, 2011 through May 20, 2011.
PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS: Appointment of Kristi R. Bordelon, (teacher at Plaucheville Elementary School), Technology Facilitator, effective January 5, 2011 through May 20, 2011, replacing Rebecca Spencer.
BUNKIE HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Stephen Scott, teacher, effective January 3, 2011 through May 20, 2011, replacing Andrew Shelton.
AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENTRAL OFFICE: Transfer/appointment of Carolyn Milam, from Data Processor I to Purchase Order Secretary in the Finance Department, effective January 26, 2010, replacing Kathy McDonald who is retiring.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the personnel changes as presented by Superintendent Lemoine. MOTION CARRIED.
On motion Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. the Board agreed that the Board President will serve as presiding chairperson in Executive Session. MOTION CARRIED.
On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and a personnel matter. MOTION CARRIED.
The Board reconvened in open public session at approximately 7:42 p.m.
Board Member Freeman Ford advised the press of the reason for going into Executive Session was as follows: Pending worker’s compensation claim; and Desegregation Order
No action was taken by the Board.
President Van Kojis advised the Board of the Parent Involvement Fair on January 20, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at L. J.’s Plaza in Mansura.
There being no further business, on motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the meeting was adjourned.
Van Kojis, President
Dwayne Lemoine, Secretary-Treasurer