The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, March1, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


Van Kojis, President; Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Vice-President; Freeman Ford, Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Michael Lacombe, Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, and Cynthia “Cindy” Hill.


Absent: None.


An Invocation was offered by Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member Michael Lacombe.


  1. A motion was offered by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., that the Board adopt the minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday, February 1, 2011, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.


    The motion was adopted by the following vote:



    Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Van Kojis, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Michael Lacombe and Cindy Hill


    Freeman Ford, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, and Rev. Mary Hayward- Jones



  2. President Van Kojis recognized Jordan Williams, who was named Student of the Month. Mr. Kojis stated that Jordan is an eighth grade student who attends Bunkie High School. President Kojis further said that Jordan is the daughter of Robert Williams and Rebecca Juneau. She is involved in the Explores Club, 4-H Club and band at Bunkie High School. Her hobbies include writing fiction and poems, drawing cartoons, and listening to music. Mr. Kojis stated that Jordan intends to finish her high school career and then attend Louisiana State University. Jordan would like to major in Visual Arts and become a video game programmer.


    On behalf of the Board, President Van Kojis commended Jordan on this achievement


  3. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine recognized Adeline Lejeune, student at Lafargue Elementary School.  Mr. Lemoine stated that Adeline was named third place winner at the 2011 Louisiana School Boards Association Artwork Contest.  Also, Mr. Lemoine said that parish winners include: Sophia Velotta, second grade, Plaucheville Elementary School; Hannah Brown, fifth grade, Lafargue Elementary School; and Tiffany Augustine, sixth grade, Plaucheville Elementary School.


    On behalf of the Board, President Van Kojis commended the students for their outstanding achievement.


  4. Mr. Lonnie Bridges of Paragon Casino and Resort presented grant money in the amount of $1400 to be used for the purchase of an AED for Riverside Elementary School cafeteria.


    On behalf of the Board, President Van Kojis expressed his sincere appreciation to Mr. Bridges and officials with Paragon Casino for their generous donation.


  5. President Van Kojis stated that Dr. Jim Guillory, former School Board Member, was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Kojis said that Dr. Guillory will address the Board regarding his candidacy for Member of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education at the next Board meeting.


  6. With regards to the approval of the committee reports, President Van Kojis requested that each committee chairperson announce the time and date of the committee meeting and members in attendance.  In addition, President Kojis requested that the committee chairperson offer a motion to accept the report, ask for a second, and if there is any objection to any items, call for a discussion regarding that item.


    Mr. Michael Lacombe, Chairman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:


    Building and Lands Committee Report

    February 15, 2011


    The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


    Michael Lacombe, Chairman; Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, Darrell Wiley, Cindy Hill, Van Kojis, President; and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent.  Also present were James Gauthier and Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Board Members; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; and Wilfred Ducote, Transportation Supervisor.


    1)     Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding granting an easement on the end of Wall Street in Marksville to access property.


    The Building and Lands Committee recommended to table this matter until an appraisal is received.


    2)     Chairman Michael Lacombe recognized Mr. Lynn Bordelon, Mayor of Hessmer; and Mr. Cory Roy, Attorney for the Village of Hessmer, for the purpose of discussing an intergovernmental agreement between the Board and Village of Hessmer.


    Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Building and Lands Committee recommended that the Board approve the intergovernmental agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Village of Hessmer for the use of the old Hessmer School with the exception of the South Louisiana Community College facility. MOTION CARRIED.


    3)     The Building and Lands Committee discussed a revised intergovernmental agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Avoyelles Parish Police Jury concerning the Jury using the closed Bunkie Middle School as a polling location.


    Upon motion by Cindy Hill, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to approve the intergovernmental agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Avoyelles Parish Police Jury to use Bunkie Middle School as a polling place. MOTION CARRIED.


    4)     The Building and Lands Committee discussed advertising for bids to lease Bunkie Middle School and Mansura Middle School.


    Upon motion by Cindy Hill, seconded by Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, the Building and Lands Committee recommended that the Board consider leasing the Mansura Middle School and Bunkie Middle School.  MOTION CARRIED.


    5)     Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the committee regarding leasing Section 16 lands with no campsites with a service right-of-way.


    Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Building and Lands Committee recommended that the Board authorize the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee in order to recommend rules and regulations for lease of Section 16 properties for hunting and/or recreational purposes.  MOTION CARRIED.


    6)     Upon motion by Cindy Hill, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Building and Lands Committee recommended approval of Change Order Number 3 for Bunkie Elementary School and Cottonport Elementary School QSCB Project in the increased amount of $37,948.60. MOTION CARRIED.


    7)     The Building and Lands Committee received an update from Attorney James Lee on the Section 16 legal issues regarding the suit for right-of-ways.


    The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


    Michael Lacombe, Chairman

    Building and Lands Committee


    On motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by Chairman Lacombe.  MOTION CARRIED.


  7. Mr. Freeman Ford, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:  


    Executive Committee Report

    February 15, 2011


    The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


    Freeman Ford, Chairman; Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis, President; and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent. Also present were Darrell Wiley, Cindy Hill and Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones , Board Members; Craig Foster, Assistant Superintendent; and Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance.


    1)     Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by James Gauthier, the Executive Committee recommended to approve a request for a leave without pay for medical reasons for Samantha Mire, teacher at Marksville Elementary School, effective March 22, 2011 through May 20, 2011. MOTION CARRIED.


    2)     Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by James Gauthier, the Executive Committee recommended to approve a request for a leave without pay for medical reasons for Carla Sophia Piazza Wood, teacher at Marksville Elementary School, effective March 5, 2011 through May 20, 2011.  MOTION CARRIED.


    3)     Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine addressed the Executive Committee regarding consideration of revising File:  GBD - Employment of Personnel, File:  GBM - Personnel Transfer, and File:  GBRJ - Substitute Personnel, as listed in the Avoyelles Parish School Board Policy Manual.


    The Executive Committee recommended to refer this item to the full Board.


    4)     Mr. Robby Gaspard, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, addressed the Executive Committee regarding revising the Drug Testing Policy.


    Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Executive Committee recommended that the proposed changes to the Drug Testing Policy be adopted.  MOTION CARRIED.


    5)     Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine discussed setting a date for a Board Goal Setting Workshop.


    Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by James Gauthier, the Executive Committee recommended to set a workshop date of April 19, 2011 for the purpose of goal setting.



    The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


    Freeman Ford, Chairman

    Executive Committee


    On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Chairman Ford.


    The motion was adopted by the following vote:



    Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Van Kojis, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, Michael Lacombe and Cindy Hill.



    Board Member Freeman Ford stated that he was in favor of adopting the Executive Committee Report with the exception of Item Number 3.


    Board Member Shelia Blackman-Dupas stated that she was in favor of adopting the Executive Committee Report with the exception of “Personnel Transfer” as discussed in Item Number 3.


    With regards to Item Number 3, Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine advised that these reports were re-delivered to the Executive Committee and was brought back before the full Board for approval. He stated that Item Number 3 regards the consideration of revising three policies which were previously approved by the Executive Committee in January and brought back before the full board in February.  Mr. Lemoine further stated that at that time, the committee did not take any action, but agreed to place the matter, again, for the next Executive Committee meeting.


    Chairman Freeman Ford stated that he objects to Item Number 3 as listed: GBD - Employment of Personnel; GBM- Personnel Transfer, and GBRJ-Substitute Personnel.


  8. Mr. Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:


    Finance Committee Report

    February 22, 2011


    The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


    Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman; Cindy Hill, Michael Lacombe, and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent. Shelia Blackman-Dupas and Van Kojis, President, were absent. Also present were James Gauthier and Darrell Wiley, Board Members; Craig Foster, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Thelma Prater, Director of Federal Programs; and Irma Andress, Supervisor of Federal Programs; Donna Bordelon, Supervisor of Special Services; and other central office administrators.


    1)     Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Finance Committee recommended to approve requests for overnight travel as presented by Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine.  MOTION CARRIED.


    2)     Mr. Craig Foster, Assistant Superintendent, addressed the Finance Committee regarding the purchase of a MorphoTrak Printrak Live Scan Station Mr. Foster explained that Morpho Trak San Station provides the sole source in fingerprint machines.


    Mr. Kaylum Vead from the Lafayette Parish School Board explained that their system performs state and federal checks on their machine.  He stated that the machine can provide background checks in less than 24 hours.


    Upon motion by Cindy Hill, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Finance Committee recommended to purchase the Morpho Trak Printrak Live Scan Station desktop version in the amount of $18,640.  MOTION CARRIED.


    3)     Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a report regarding a 3% cost of living increase for employees.  Mrs. Bonnette informed the committee that the cost of a 3% raise for all employees is approximately $673,551. This would equate to an estimated $1,200 pay raise for teachers and $600 for support personnel.  Also, Mrs. Bonnette stated that current parish salaries are approximately $5,000 below those of surrounding parishes. She also stated that pay raises have not been given by the state in the past two years and no state raises are expected for 2011-2012.


    4)     Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a report on proposals for student data software.


    Report of the Bid-Opening Committee


    A bid-opening committee met on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 1:30 p.m. at the School Board Office for the purpose of opening bids on Student Data Software. Members serving on the committee were Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine, Sharon Hargis, Mike Tanner, and Mary Bonnette.


    The committee acknowledged receipt of three bids:  (1) Focus School Software, (2) Ed Gear, and (3) Pearson.


    The bids were opened and taken under advisement.  Results will be reported at the Board meeting on March 1, 2011.


    5)     Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented General Fund budget revisions for fiscal year 2010-2011. She informed the committee that estimated revenues dropped slightly due to a decrease in local collections - to $35,224,507.  Also a slight increase in expenditures to $35,677,204, resulting in a proposed current year deficit of $452,697. This brings the estimated ending fund balance to $4,392,709.


    Mrs. Bonnette stated that included in these figures are MFP estimates for enrollment drop of 20 students.  Based on the February 1 student count, there should be no decrease.  This adjustment along with EduJobs funds should provide a surplus for the current fiscal year.


    Mrs. Bonnette explained that she will inform the committee when final MFP numbers are made available from the state as well as EduJobs budget approval.


    Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the General Fund budget revisions for fiscal year 2010-2011.  MOTION CARRIED.


    6)     The Finance Committee heard a presentation by Norris Insurance Consultants.


    Mr. Tom Hudson advised the committee that a two (2) year rate guarantee was accepted in 2010 from PCAL for general liability, auto, and errors and omissions coverage. He recommended that the Board remain in this program to maintain these rates and avoid penalties.


    Mr. Hudson also recommended that the committee allow him to have the Board’s current agent obtain quotes for property insurance.  Mr. Mike Lacombe expressed that he favored obtaining bids for all policies.  After much discussion, the committee agreed to follow Mr. Hudson’s advice regarding the two year plan with PCAL, however, in order to allow more local agents to participate in the process, local agents were to be included.


    Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Finance Committee recommended that the Board continue with two year rate policy approval in 2010 and to request proposals for property insurance with five local agents to be recommended by an Ad Hoc Committee of the Finance Committee which will be approved at the next Finance Committee meeting.  MOTION CARRIED.


    Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Finance Committee recommended to grant permission to retain the services of Norris Insurance Consultants for the 2011-2012 school year. MOTION CARRIED.


    7)     Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented results of an IRS audit.  Mrs. Bonnette stated that an audit of 2008 vendor payment was conducted in January, resulting in reclassification of contracted speech therapist and nurses to employees.


    The penalty imposed for employees’ withholding taxes amount to $45,181.32.


    Mrs. Bonnette informed the committee that several years ago these positions were contracted as a cost savings measure. Since the end of 2009 these positions were converted to employees in order to be compliant with IRS regulations.


    The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


    Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman

    Finance Committee


    With regards to Item Number 4, Superintendent Lemoine stated that the minutes indicated that the bids were open and taken under advisement and the results would be reported at the Board meeting of March 1, 2011.  However, he stated that he and his staff are still comparing bids with these three software companies and he is not able to provide the Board with a recommendation at tonight’s meeting. Upon receiving the results of the information, Superintendent Lemoine requested that he present a report at the next Finance Committee meeting and that a report will be presented at the April meeting.


    President Kojis then asked for a motion to accept minutes with the changes indicated with regards to the student data software.


    On motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairman Mayeux and with the changes recommended by Superintendent Lemoine.  MOTION CARRIED.


    A discussion ensued on items in the Finance Committee Report, as follows:


    Board Member Shelia Blackman-Dupas asked the Board whether the fingerprint machine (Morpho Trak Printrak Live Scan Station) would beneficial for use by the general public.


    President Van Kojis advised that it is his understanding that it will be advertised for public use with a fee after establishing parameters and Board approval.


    President Van Kojis requested clarification regarding Item Number 6. He stated that he was not present at this meeting, however, he understands that the committee approved the two year acceptance of the general liability auto and requested bids. Furthermore, Mr. Kojis stated that the Board would like to bid at the direction of the consultant considering his recommendation on which local agencies can bid.


    Mr. Tom Hudson stated that the issue before the Board is whether to bid the property insurance only.


    Superintendent Lemoine commented on the minutes regarding Item Number 4. He stated that they are still currently comparing bids with these three software companies and are not able to provide the Board a recommendation today. He requested more time to make a determination on the offerings of these companies. Upon receiving results of this information, Superintendent Lemoine requested that they be reported to the Finance Committee and then brought before the Board in April.


  9. Mr. James Gauthier, Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:


    Education Committee Report

    February 22, 2011


    The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


    James Gauthier, Chairman; Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Darrell Wiley, and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent. Mrs. Shelia Blackman-Dupas and President Van Kojis were absent. Also present were Michael Lacombe and Cindy Hill, Board Members; and Susan Welch and Randy Littleton, Supervisors.


    1)     Mr. Robby Gaspard, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, addressed the committee regarding attendance and truancy concerns.


    Assistant District Attorney Dan McKay and FINS Coordinator John Maillet also addressed the committee.


    Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Education Committee recommended that Act 688 be applied to truancy, thus revoking driving privileges of students who have excessive absences.  MOTION CARRIED.


    2)     Mr. Randy Littleton, Supervisor of Elementary Education, presented a report on guidelines and rewards for selecting the Student of the Month.


    Student of the Month Committee Recommendations


    Eleven members of the committee were present at the meeting on Thursday, February 10, 2011.


    Student of the Month Candidates


    The members of the committee voted unanimously to recommend that all schools would select a Student of the Month each month beginning in September and continuing through May.  They felt this gave the Avoyelles Parish School Board members a chance to academically recognize as many students as possible.


    Selection Process


    At the school level, every teacher would nominate one student each month from his/her class to be considered for the student of the month.  From these nominations, one child will be selected to be recognized at the board meeting. The following criteria to be considered when selecting a student were unanimously approved by the committee members: (1) student showing improvement, (2) behavior of student at school, (3) works well with other students, (4) show respect for other students, and (5) attendance.


    The committee members felt that these criteria allowed a wide range of students to be considered for nomination, while keeping with the idea that the student(s) meeting this criteria would be displaying academic behavior as well as traits of character worthy of recognition.


    Selection Committee:


    Each school (depending on the grade levels served) is to select the following members to serve as the Student of the Month selection committee: one administrator, one staff member Pre-K - second grade, one staff member third - sixth grade, one staff member seventh - ninth grade, and one staff member tenth - twelfth grade.




    Each school is to notify the Central Office of the student to be recognized by the last Tuesday of the month in order to provide enough time for the names to be placed on the next board meeting agenda.


    Possible Awards: District: Gift cards, certificate (framed is possible), cake/reception before meeting, article in The Journal with picture, display board at Central Office to display pictures of each month’s winners, list students’ names on the district website monthly. School: (Required) - display student’s picture prominently in hallway and list student’s name on website monthly.


    Optional: A plaque that would allow student’s names to be added each month and display in hallway at school.  Special parking pass for student of the month.  Lunch pass for student of the month.  Lunch with the principal and parent. Free dress day.  Recognition award(s) such as a pencil, button, t-shirt, etc.


    Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Education Committee recommended that the Board approve the committee’s recommendations for recognizing Students of the Month; and that funding of this program be referred to the Finance Committee.  MOTION CARRIED.


    3)     Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine presented revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan, as follows:


    Eighth Grade


    Criteria for promotion:


    •     A student may not be promoted to the ninth grade until he or she has scored at or above the Basic achievement level on either the English Language Arts or Mathematics component on the 8th grade LEAP and at the Approaching Basic achievement level on the other (hereafter referred to  as the Basic/Approaching Basic combination). For promotional purposes; however, a student shall score at or above the Basic/Approaching Basic combination on the English Language Arts and Mathematics components of LEAP only one time. Exceptions to this may be found in the Louisiana High Stakes Testing Policy as listed in Appendix D of this plan.


    •     A student must earn an average of (D) or at least one (1) full quality point on a four point scale during the course of the pending year in each subject, Reading, Math, English; and Science or Social Studies;


    •     A student must earn an average of (D) or at least one (1) full quality point on a four point scale during the course of the pending year in one of the following subjects: health/physical education or an elective (either one full-year elective or the average of two semester electives).


    Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Education Committee recommended that the Board accept the revisions of the Pupil Progression Plan as presented. MOTION CARRIED.


    4)     Mr. Robby Gaspard, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, presented information regarding an evaluative tool named “SASSI” to utilize at APAS.


    Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Education Committee recommended that the Board approve the purchase of the evaluation tool named “SASSI” to evaluate students’ records at APAS. MOTION CARRIED.


    5)     Mrs. Susan Welch, Supervisor of Secondary Education; and Mr. Randy Littleton, Supervisor of Elementary Education, addressed the committee regarding a presentation by the Curriculum Department at the last Education Committee meeting.


    The committee did not take any action.


    6)     Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine recognized principals for the purpose of making a presentation regarding School Improvement Grants.  Principals who were recognized included: Dexter Compton, Bunkie Elementary School; Dewayne Vines, Bunkie High School; and Celeste Voinche, Marksville High School.


    The committee did not take any action.


    7)     Mrs. Susan Welch, Supervisor of Secondary Education, presented the results of eighth grade mathematics/ELA Benchmark Testing.


    The committee did not take any action.



    The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


    James Gauthier, Chairman

    Education Committee


    On motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board adopted the

    Education Committee Report as presented.


    The motion was adopted by the following vote:


    Ayes:  Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Van Kojis, Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, Michael Lacombe and Cindy Hill.


    Nays:  Shelia Blackman-Dupas.


    Board Member Freeman Ford stated that he was in favor of adopting the Education Committee Report with the exception of Item Number 1.


    Board Member Freeman Ford stated that this matter has been discussed before the Board several times.  Mr. Ford said that he cannot support this committee recommendation because there are sick and older people who rely on these students for transportation. Also, Mr. Ford said that there can be other means through the Court system in order to help this problem.


    Board Member Shelia Blackman-Dupas stated that she agreed with Mr. Ford’s comments.  She stated that she feels this is more of a punishment for the parents.  Furthermore, Mrs. Dupas stated that the students as well as the Board members, administrators, etc. need to strive to improve these problems and concerns in order to solve attendance and truancy concerns. Mrs. Dupas stated that she knows of one of the schools in the parish that tells the students to stay home.  She stated that these students cannot attend a school where they are not wanted.


    Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine clarified for the Board Act 688 which pertains to revoking driving privileges of students who have excessive absences.


    Board Member James Gauthier stated that the Board has run out of options.  Mr. Gauthier stated that there are so many students who have gone past the truancy point and bringing the students to Court has not worked.  Furthermore, Mr. Gauthier stated that students should worry less about a suspended drivers’ license and more about failing the course because of the rule of more than13 absences causing them to fail the course.


    Superintendent Lemoine stated that at the Education Committee meeting, the principals reported on three grants that are being written.  Mr. Lemoine stated that it is premature at this time because the budgets have not been established and they have not heard from the State as to the allocation to the school district.  Superintendent Lemoine stated that he would like to have all the answers before bringing this to the Board for approval. Therefore, Item Number 6 is for informational purposes only.


  10. On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board authorized the Superintendent to purchase three (3) buses contingent upon the availability of funds. MOTION CARRIED.


  11. On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board granted permission to advertise for school secretaries.  MOTION CARRIED.


  12. Mr. Wilfred Ducote, Supervisor of Transportation, provided the Board with a transportation data report which reflected a comparison from January 2010 to January 2011.  Mr. Ducote stated that bus suspensions for black students totaled 57 in January 2010 and for white students totaled 21 in January 2010.  Furthermore, Mr. Ducote stated that bus suspensions for black students totaled 16 in January 2011 and for white students totaled 12 in January 2011.  In addition, Mr. Ducote stated that the year to date (from August to January 2010) totaled 429 students and the year to date (from August to January 2011) totaled 114 students.


  13. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine presented personnel changes, as follows:





    Resignation of Valerie Chesne’, teacher,effective at the end of the day February 28,2011.


    Resignation of Larry D. Wilmer, bus driver, effective at the end of the day May 31, 2011, for the purpose of retirement.


    Resignation of Leo Laprairie, bus driver, effective February 23, 2011.


    Appointment of Jolaina M. Guillory, teacher, effective January 3, 2011 through May 20, 2011.


    Appointment of Jamie Barbry, bus driver, effective February 22, 2011, replacing Randy Dauzat who retired.


    Appointment of Dorothy Lea, (retired) teacher, effective February 24, 2011 for the duration of Ms. Sarah Reech’s leave.


    Appointment of Danielle Morgan, bus driver, effective March 2, 2011, replacing Doretha Hall who retired.


    Appointment of Josie Green, (retired) In School Suspension teacher, effective February8, 2011 through May 20, 2011, replacing Kenneth Maillet who transferred to Avoyelles High School.


    Resignation of Tammy Ribera, school secretary, effective February 1, 2011.


    On motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board approved the personnel changes as presented with the deletion as noted by Superintendent Lemoine.  MOTION CARRIED.


  14. On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation (Holmes versus Avoyelles Parish School Board bearing Civil Action 12,721 on the docket of the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana.).


    The Board reconvened in open session at approximately 5:55 p.m.


    On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, the Board granted Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine the authority to have legal counsel notify the Federal Judge and the United States Justice Department as to the deadline for the spending of the money at LaSAS and if not, what would be the consequences. MOTION CARRIED


  15. On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board unanimously agreed to consider a matter under miscellaneous business concerning construction deadlines.


Assistant District Attorney James Lee advised the Board that a member should offer a motion to add a item and the member should explain the item and the reason it should be added to this agenda versus waiting until the next available meeting.


President Van Kojis called for public comment and there being none, on motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board unanimously agreed to add the item to the agenda under miscellaneous business.


Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, stated that the item pertains to designating construction contractors as an agent of a government body for tax exemption purposes. Mr. Marcotte stated that the reason for the urgency is that bids will be opened on a project at Avoyelles High School on March 8, 2011 and there must be a resolution adopted by the Board prior to the bid opening.


On motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board authorized that the tax exemption status be applied to the Avoyelles High School construction project.


The motion was unanimously adopted by the Board.


There being no further business, on motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the meeting was adjourned.



VAN KOJIS, President

DWAYNE LEMOINE, Secretary-Treasurer