The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Wednesday, July 6, 2011, at 5:00 p.m . at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Van Kojis,President; Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Vice-President; FreemanFord, Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman-Dupa s, Michael Lacombe, andCynthia "Cindy"Hill.
Absent: Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones .
An Invocation was offered by Board Member Cynthia "Cindy"Hill.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member Freeman Ford.
1. On motion of Shelia Blackman-Dupas, seconded by Darrell Wiley the Board adopted the minutes of the special Board meeting held Tuesday, June 21, 2011, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News , official journal of the Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY .
2. Mr. Michael Lacombe, Board Member, read a resolution of respect to the late Keith
A. Morrow, former teacher, coach, assistant principal ,principal , and Director of Federal Programs.
On motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Keith A. Morrow. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
3. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine announced that students will be recognized at the next school board meeting.
Miss Megan Moreau, student at LaSAS, was present and recognized by Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine for her outstanding achievement at the National Beta Convention Spelling Bee where she placed third nationally.
4. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine stated that Mr. Edward Conway wil lbe recognized at the August 2, 2011 School Board meeting for being named Avoyelles Parish School Board 's PCA LDriver of the Year.
5. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine addressed the Board regarding an "Our House" Project founded by Mr. Murkle Dupuy, Teacher at Avoyelles High School. Mr. Lemoine stated that he was invited to Avoyelles High School for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the green house which was built for self-contained special education students at the school.
6. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine requested approval of a 2011-2012 STEM/CTE Grant from The Rapides Foundation in the amount of $155,000.
Mr. Randy Littleton, Supervisor of Elementary Education, briefly discussed the stipulations of receiving this annual grant with the Board as well as the services that this grant provides for the students.
Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Shelia Blackman-Dupas , the Board granted approval for the Superintendent to apply for a 2011-2012 STEM/CTE Grant from The Rapides Foundation in the amount of $155,000. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
7. Mrs. Sharon Hargis, Food Service Supervisor, presented bid-opening committee reports on (1) milk and milk products,(2) bread and bread products,(3) supplies and equipment, (4) grease trap servicing, and (5) non-hazardous waste disposal, as follows:
Milk, Milk Products, and Juice
A bid-opening committee met Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on milk,milk products, and juice . Members serving on the committee were Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Randy Littleton, Supervisor of Elementary Education; and Linda Sayer, Food Service Secretary.
The committee acknowledged receipt of bids from Mid-State Marketing of Alexandria, Louisiana; and Foremost Dairy of Lafayette, Louisiana. (A copy of the bid tabulation sheet is on file at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Central Office, Food Service Department.)
Bread and Bakery Products
A bid-opening committee met Tuesday,June 28, 2011,at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on bread and bakery products. Members serving on the committee were Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Randy Littleton , Supervisor of Elementary Education; and Linda Sayer, Food Service Secretary
The committee acknowledged receipt of bids from Flower's Baking Company, Lafayette, Louisiana; and Hostess Brands,Monroe, Louisiana. (A copy of the bid tabulation sheet is on file at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Central Office, Food Service Department.)
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Service
A bid-opening committee met Tuesday, June 29, 2010, at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on non-hazardous waste disposal service. Members serving on the committee were Sharon Hargis, Food Service Supervisor; Thelma Prater, Federal Programs Supervisor; and Linda Sayer, Food Service Secretary.
The committee acknowledged receipt of bids from Diamond Disposal, Ferriday, Louisiana; and IESI Louisiana Corporation, Alexandria , Louisiana. (A copy of the bid tabulation sheet is on file at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Central Office, Food Service Department.)
Grease Trap Maintenance
A bid-opening committee met Tuesday, June 29, 2010, at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on grease tray maintenance. Members serving on the committee were Sharon Hargis, Food Service Supervisor; Thelma Prater, Federal Programs Supervisor; and Linda Sayer, Food Service Secretary
The committee acknowledged receipt of a bid from Action Rooter, Lecompte, Louisiana. (A copy of the bid tabulation sheet is on file at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Central Office, Food Service Department.)
Supplies and Equipment
A bid-opening committee met Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on supplies and equipment. Members serving on the committee were Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Randy Littleton, Supervisor of Elementary Education; and Linda Sayer, Food Service Secretary
The committee acknowledged receipt of bids from ALACK Refrigeration, Hammond, Louisiana; Auto-Chlor Services,Jefferson, Louisiana; Buckelew Food Service Equipment Company, Shreveport, Louisiana; Buller Fixture Company, Omaha, Nebraska; Equipment Concepts and Designs, Hattiesburg, Mississippi; Long's Preferred Products,Alexandria, Louisiana;Reinhart Food Service, Shreveport, Louisiana ; Sayes Office Supply, Alexandria, Louisiana; and Sysco Food Services of East Texas,Longview, Texas. (A copy of the bid tabulation sheet is on file at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Central Office, Food Service Department.)
On motion by Freeman Ford,seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board awarded the low bid to Mid-State Marketing for milk, milk products, and juice for the 20 11-20 12 school year; awarded the low bid to Hostess Brands for bread and bakery products for the 2011-2012 school year; awarded the low bid to IESI Louisiana Corporation for non-hazardous waste disposal service for the public schools during the 2011-2012 school year; awarded the low bid to Action Rooter for grease trap maintenance for the public schools during the 2011-2012 school year; and awarded the low bids for supplies and equipment for the public schools for the 20 11-2012 school year. The low bids were divided among Sayes Office Supply, Buller Fixture Company, Buckelew Food Service Equipment, ALACK Refrigeration, and Equipment Concepts. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
8. Mr. Freeman Ford, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:
Executive Committee Report
June 21, 2011
The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Freeman Ford, Chairman; Carlos A. Mayeux , Jr.,James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis, President; and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent. Also present were Darrell Wiley, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones, and Cindy Hill, Board Members.
1. Chairman Freeman Ford presented policies from Forethought Consulting, Incorporated for the committee's consideration. Mr. Ford questioned whether Assistant District Attorney James Lee had reviewed the policies. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine stated that he will submit the polices to Mr. Lee for his study and review prior to the next Board meeting.
Chairman Ford discussed File: KG - Use of School Facilities as pertains to designating a smoking area on campus. Superintendent Lemoine noted that many School Boards have restricted smoking on campus altogether, however, he stated that he felt it would be legal to designate an area. Mr. Lemoine pointed out that the new policy is recommending that "smoking shall be prohibited on all school campuses instead of in all school buildings".
Mr. Ford also questioned File: EBC - Buildings and Ground s Security as pertains to "Body Armor" which states that the School Board shall post permanent notices of prohibition at the major point of entry at every school". Mr. Lemoine stated that most of the schools do have these notices at the main entry of their school.
Mr. Ford also questioned File: JBD - Student Absences and Excuses. Mr. Lemoine explained the revisions as pertains to the types of excused absences. He noted that the language has been changed by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to reflect the absences.
Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Executive Committee recommended to approve policies submitted by Mr. James Prescott of Forethought Consulting, Incorporated , as follows:
(a) File: BCBH Minutes of Board Meetings
(b) File: DFD Tax and Bond Elections and Sales
(c) File: EBC Buildings and Grounds Security
(d) File: JB Attendance
(e) File: JBD Student Absences and Excuses
(f) File: KG Use of School Facilities
(g) File: KGA Public Conduct on School Property
The motion was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: CarlosA. Mayeux, Jr., James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, and Van Kojis. Nays: Freeman Ford.
Mr. Ford stated that he was not in support of the revisions stated in File: KG - Use of School Facilities.
2. Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by James Gauthier, the Executive Committee recommended to approve a request for a sabbatical leave for medical reasons for Carla Sophia P. Wood, teacher at Marksville Elementary School, effective August 10, 2011 through December 23,2011. MOTION CARRIED.
There being no further business, on motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., seconded by Michael Lacombe, the meeting was adjourned.
The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Freeman Ford, Chairman Executive Committee
Upon motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
9. Mr. Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:
Finance Committee Report
June 28, 2011
The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman; Shelia Blackman-Dupas , Cindy Hill, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis, President; and Dwayne Lemoine, Superintendent. Also present were James Gauthier and Darrell Wiley, Board Members; and Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance.
1. Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cynthia Hill, the Finance Committee recommended to approve requests for overnight travel as presented by Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cynthia Hill ,the Finance Committee recommended to provide$250.00 each to Megan Moreau ,LaSAS student; and Katie Hill, LaSAS teacher/sponsor, to attend the National Junior Beta Convention in Nashville, Tennessee on June16-20, 2011. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance,addressed the Board regarding approval of workers' compensation excess carrier proposal.
Ms. Joyce Hogue of Risk Services presented a proposal for excess workers' compensation coverage for the 2011-2012 year. She explained that the proposed policy with Safety National quotes a premium of $44,251.00 includes a self-insured retention of $350,000. The expiring policy premium is approximately $6000 less and has a self-insured retention of $300,000. Ms. Hogue stated that the reason for the self-insured retention increase is that the School Board had some recent large claims.
Quotes were also obtained from Midwest with a $650,000 self-insured increased and a premium of $112,207. Ms. Hogue informed the committee that should the Board choose to change to 100% coverage that the premium could be as much as $1,284, 163.
She stated that the quote of $44,251with Safety National was the School Board's best option. Ms. Bonnette agreed with this recommendation.
Upon motion by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, seconded by Cynthia Hill, the Finance Committee recommended to accept the Safety National quote of $44,25 1. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a bid-opening committee report on annual audit bids, as follows:
Report of the Bid-Opening
Audit for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011
A committee met Tuesday, June 28, 2011 , at 1:30 p.m. consisting of Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. and James Gauthier, Board Members ; Randy Littleton, Linda Sayer, and Mary Bonnette for the purpose of opening bids for the annual financial audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.
One bid was received from Ducote and Company, LLC for the following: Audit: $27,000-$28,000
Agreed-upon procedures: $7500
Upon motion by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, seconded by Michael Lacombe,the Finance Committee recommended to award the bid to Ducote and Company, LLC for the audit for fiscal year ending June 30,2011 in accordance with the amount of the bid. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented the 2011-2012 Consolidated Budget for the committee's approval.
She informed the committee that the General Fund was balanced due to cuts in many departments as well as on a school-wide basis. The estimated ending fund balance is $3,544,188. She indicated that the employer retirement rates are increasing from 20.2% to 23.7% for Teachers' Retirement and from 24.3% to 28.6% for School Employees' Retirement. Also, the annual sales tax distribution is projected to remain constant,as follows: Teachers: $2200; Support (12 months), $1,467; Support(10months), $1223; and Support (9 months), $1100.
Special Revenue funds consisting of special sales tax, special maintenance, and grants shows an estimated deficit of $122,424 and an ending fund balance of $4,441,049. Debt Service Fund consists of energy management bond and QSCB bonds, with an estimated deficit of $32,120 and ending balance of $576,738.No debt service millages are projected for next year since remaining bonds (Ward 2) has been paid in full. Capital Projects Fund reports QSCB construction projects and an estimated$12,000 deficit and a $0 fund balance for 2011-2012. Total estimated beginning fund balance of $16,388,417 and ending balance of $16,175,873.
Mrs. Thelma Prater, Director of Federal Programs, explained the Title I budget of $2,225,573 and explained school allocations. The IDEA Budget was also presented which is estimated at $1,324,287.
Mrs. Bonnette informed the committee that this information is for their review and will be presenting more budget information in upcoming meetings.
A budget hearing is scheduled for August 2, 201 1 as required by law.
Superintendent Lemoine explained the staffing for elementary and secondary schools.
Prior to the budget hearing,another budget review will be held at a future Finance Committee meeting.
There being no further business, upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Cynthia Hill, the meeting was adjourned.
The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Chairman Finance Committee
Upon motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Vice-President Carlos A. Mayeux Jr. noted that on July 19, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. there will be a Finance Committee meeting and recommended that the meeting be held for one hour in order to help reach a conclusion on the budget.
10. Mr. Michael Lacombe, Chairman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following the report:
Building and Lands Committee Report
June 28, 2011
The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 28, 201 1, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following memberspresent:
Michael Lacombe, Chairman; Darrell Wiley, Cindy Hill, Van Kojis, President; and Dwayne Lemoine,Superintendent. Rev. Mary Hayward-Jones was absent, Also present were James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, and Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., Board Members; and Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor.
1. The Building and Lands Committee discussed the leasing of Bunkie Middle School Gymnasium and Mansura Middle School Gymnasium.
Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, acknowledged receipt of an eĀ mail from Assistant District Attorney Jim Lee. Mr. Marcotte stated that Mr. Lee recommended that the lease must be advertised and offered to the general public. Also,in regard to Bunkie Middle,the interested group must be legally organized as a corporation or an individual to submit a lease bid. He further stated that the group cannot lease the buildings for less value than what it is appraised. The group can submit a bid for in-kind services but it must equal the appraisal and the services must be to the School Board and not the community. The group must provide insurance and agree to the standard lease form.
Mr. Marcotte stated that Mr. Lee advised that the same bid requirements cover the Mansura lease proposal. He stated that the in-kind services offered do not meet the requirements to benefit the School Board. In summary, Mr. Marcotte stated that the two proposals do not meet the legal requirements to lease a public facility.
Upon motion by Darrell Wiley,seconded by Cindy Hill, the Building and Lands Committee recommended re-advertising for the leasing of Bunkie Middle School and Mansura Middle School Gymnasiums. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding leasing of Section 16 properties.
Upon motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Cindy Hill, the Building and Lands Committee that the number of people allowed on a portion of a Sixteenth Section shall be prorated in accordance to the section size.
The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoptionof this report.
Michael Lacombe, Chairman Building and Lands Committee
On motion by Michael Lacombe,seconded by Freeman Ford,the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
11. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine requested permission from the Board to amend the effective date of Ms. Toni Wilson's contract, effective July 11,201 1 through July 10, 2013. Ms. Wilson was appointed to the position of Principal of Plaucheville Elementary School at the last School Board meeting.
Upon motion by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. , seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board agreed to amend the effective date of Ms. Toni Wilson's contract,effective July 11, 2011 through July 10, 2013. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
12. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine stated that an interviewing committee met for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Assistant Principal. Mr. Lemoine stated that he recommended the appointment of Ms. Sara Venable for the position of Assistant Principal of Plaucheville Elementary School, effective July 27, 2011 for a period of two years.
Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board accepted the recommendation and appointed Ms. Sara Venable for the position of Assistant Principal of Plaucheville Elementary School,effective July 27, 2011 through July 26, 2013. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
13. Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine presented personnel changes for the Board's consideration, as follows:
BUNKIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer of John E. Sampson, from School Improvement Interventionist at Bunkie High School to Behavior Strategist, effective July 13, 2011 through May 31,2012.
COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Ashley Ducote, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 throughMay25, 2012; appointment of Ashley Dubea, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; appointment of Alexis Leger, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; appointment of Hannah Decker,teacher, effective August10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; and appointment of Lauren Ducote,(retired) Media Specialist/Interventionist, effective August 10, 2011 through December 23,2011.
LAFARGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:Transfer/appointment of Christine George,teacher, from Marksville Elementary School, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; transfer/appointment of Katharine Rostek, teacher,from Riverside Elementary School, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; appointment of Michelle G. Gauthier, teacher,effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; transfer/appointment of Hope W. Newcomb, teacher, from Riverside Elementary School, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; and resignation of Cora Guillot,bus attendant, effective June 16, 2011.
MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Penny Bergeron, special education/interventionist, from Plaucheville Elementary School, effective Augustl0,2011 through May 25, 2012.
PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Kathryn Basco, teacher, effective August 10,2011 through May 25, 2012; and appointment of Casey Foret, Title I CSR teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:Appointment of Emily Keedy, teacher,effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Shauntel A. Puckett, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012 ; appointment of Betty Bordelon , (4/7 time) (retired)teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through December 23, 2011; appointment of Murkle Dupuy, teacher, effective August l 0,2011 through May 25,2012;and appointment of Ashley Dubroc, FACS teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012 .
BUNKIE HIGH SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of John W. McGee, teacher, from regular education to special education, effective August10, 201 1 through May 25,2012; appointment of Thomas Roy, (retired) High School JAG teacher, effective August 10,2011 through December23, 2011; and appointment of Karen Ducote, Literacy Interventionist (SIP Grant) to Read 180 Paraprofessional, effective August 10,2011 through May 25, 2012 .
MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Ronald Roy, (one-half time) (retired) teacher, effective August 10,2011 through December23,2011; appointment of Susan Gremillion, teacher,effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; appointment of Theresa DeVanie, teacher, effective August10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; appointment of John Gagnard , (one-half time) (retired) guidance counselor,effective July 27, 2011 through December 23, 2011 ; and appointment of John Hill, teacher, effective August 10, 201 1 through May 25, 2012.
AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENTRAL OFFICE: Resignation of Donna W. Bordelon, Supervisor of Special Services, effective at the end of the day June 30, 2011,for the purpose of retirement.
BUNKIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Doris Leary, teacher, from Bunkie High School,effective July 13,201 1 through May 31, 2012; and appointment of Nancy Gingras, (retired) Media Specialist/Interventionist (one-half pay funded through Title I), effective July 13, 2011 through December 23, 2011 .
COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Phyllis Veade, teacher, effective August 10, 2011through May 25, 2012.
PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Resignation of Lillie Armand,teacher, effective June 12, 2011; and transfer/appointment of Victoria Bihm, special education in-school suspension paraprofessional to autism paraprofessional, from Bunkie High School, effective August l0, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Susan A. Pickett, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012; and appointment of Cheraka Montalvo, teacher, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
BUNKIE HIGH SCHOOL:Transfer/appointment of Linda Thomas, autism paraprofessional to inĀschool suspension paraprofessional, from Plaucheville Elementary School, effective August 10,2011 through May 25, 2012.
AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENTRAL OFFICE: Appointment of Kristi Bordelon, Title I Technology Facilitator , effective August10, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
On motion by Carlos A. Mayeux , Jr., seconded by Michael Lacombe,the Board adopted the personnel changes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
Board Member Cindy Hill stated that she was in favor of approving all the personnel changes, however, she stated that she will recuse herself regarding the appointment of John Hill, teacher, Marksville High School, effective August 10, 2011 through May 25, 2012.
14. On motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr., the Board granted permission to advertise for the position of the Supervisor of Special Education in August 2011. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Board Member Shelia Blackman-Dupas stated that she was sorry to hear of the resignation of Ms. Donna Bordelon, Supervisor of Special Education, and that she will be dearly missed.
Vice-President Carlos A. Mayeux, Jr. stated that Ms. Bordelon implemented the special education program for the Avoyelles Parish School Board in the early seventies. Mr. Mayeux commended Ms. Bordelon for her many years of service and dedication to the Board.
15. In miscellaneous business, Board Member Freeman Ford stated that he would like to warmly welcome Assistant Superintendent Craig Foster's return from his leave.
Also, Board Member Cindy Hill stated that she attended the Avoyelles Wildlife Federation Banquet in June of 2011. Ms. Hill stated that she was very impressed with the projects completed by the students. She felt there should have been more schools involved and encouraged the Superintendent and principals to provide the information to the students and encourage the students to participate in this program.
Superintendent Dwayne Lemoine extended an invitation to the Board and any others interested to attend the "Back to School Bash" at Bunkie Elementary School on July 13, 2011.
There being no further business, on motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the meeting was adjourned.
Van Kojis, President
Dwayne Lemoine,Secretary-Treasurer