The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Michael Lacombe, President; Darrell Wiley, Vice-President; Freeman Ford, Chris LaCour, James Gauthier, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Lizzie Ned, Van Kojis, and John Gagnard.
Absent: None.
An Invocation was offered by Mr. Chauncey Hardy, Director of Preventive Services and Public Information, Central Louisiana Human Services District.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member John Gagnard.
1. On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, September, 1, 2015, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Mr. James Gauthier, Board Member, read a resolution of respect to the late Joseph “Pete” Ferguson, former custodian.
On motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Joseph “Pete” Ferguson. MOTION CARRIED.
Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized the Students of the Month for October. Mr. Dauzat presented a plaque to each student. Also, each Board Member read a short biography detailing the accomplishments of each student,.
The Students of the Month included: Hikerria Lee, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Janae Keller, Cottonport Elementary School; Mia Davis, Lafargue Elementary School; Brayden Foster, Marksville Elementary School; Jaxon Lawson, Plaucheville Elementary School; Kristasia Hoffman, Riverside Elementary School; Alyssa Bordelon, Avoyelles High School; James Gaspard, Bunkie New Tech High School; Camille Humble, LaSAS; and Kylie Lachney, Marksville High School.
On behalf of the Board, President Michael Lacombe commended the students on their accomplishments.
4. Mrs. Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent, recognized the Teachers of the Month for September. Mrs. Prater presented a plaque to each teacher, as follows:
Travis Armand, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Adrienne Brouillette, Cottonport Elementary School; Krystle Reynaud, Lafargue Elementary School; Kristy Lonidier, Marksville Elementary School; Kara Lemoine, Plaucheville Elementary School; Kellie Guilbeau, Riverside Elementary School; Nettie Jeansonne, Avoyelles High School; Michael Sumner, Bunkie New Tech High School; Bonnie Leduc, LaSAS; and Shantella Barton, Marksville High School.
On behalf of the Board, President Michael Lacombe commended the teachers on their achievements.
5. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized Ms. Caneshia Jacob, teacher at Avoyelles High School, for receiving the Golden Apple Award from KALB-TV. In addition, Mr. Dauzat recognized Student Morgan Diaville for nominating Ms. Jacob and writing and submitting the article. Principal Mike Rachal stated that Ms. Jacob exemplifies a lifelong dedication of teaching.
6. Ms. Theresa Thevenot, Parish Librarian, addressed the Board in regards to distributing a flyer to all public school students explaining the Avoyelles Parish Library millage renewal on the November 21st ballot. These flyers would be for informational purposes only. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recommended that the Board go along with the District Attorney’s opinion that the flyers not be sent home because it would imply that the School Board was endorsing the tax renewal. Instead, the flyers will be made available to parents in the office of each school as well as at the School Board office.
7. President Michael Lacombe addressed the Board regarding the Volunteers of America Program for each school. Mr. Chauncey Hardy, Director of Preventive Services and Public Information, Central Louisiana Human Services District, spoke of how the Volunteers of America Program provides services, hope, and resources for students dealing with a variety of issues. He stated the program would be very good for the parish, and the website will be available soon to provide more information.
8. Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, presented the bid-opening committee report for the leasing of Bayou Joson.
Report of the Bid-Opening Committee
Leasing of Bayou Joson
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., a bid-opening committee met at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Office for the purpose of receiving bids for the leasing of Bayou Joson.
Members of the committee were: Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent of Schools; Darrell Wiley, Board Vice-President; Michael Lacombe, Board President; Chris LaCour, Board Member; Jaimie Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor; and Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor.
No bids were submitted, therefore, there are no results to report. The committee recommended that the Board re-advertise for bids.
President Michael Lacombe stated that many people who had considered bidding on the lease decided against it because there is no right-of-way available. He suggested that the Board delay the bidding of the lease until a right-of-way can be made and, as a result, a higher price for the lease can be obtained.
A motion was offered by John Gagnard, seconded by Freeman Ford, that the Board delay the re-advertisement of bids until the current right-of-way issue on the Bayou Joson property has been resolved.
Discussion ensued. Mr. James Gauthier asked what would happen if someone offered to lease the property without the right-of-way issue being a concern. Mr. Marcotte recommended that the Board send the issue back to the Building and Lands Committee. Mr. Anthony Salario, Assistant District Attorney, agreed with Mr. Marcotte due to the fact that there is a possibility that someone may decide to lease the property, but if this motion passes and the bidding is delayed, the Board will miss the opportunity to lease it.
Mr. Gagnard then withdrew his motion.
Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Van Kojis, the Board agreed to send the issue back to the Building and Lands Committee. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
9. Mr. Van Kojis, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report (Committee Member Chris LaCour requested that Item Number 3 be left out of the report for the Board’s approval):
Finance Committee Report
September 15, 2015
The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
John Gagnard, Chris LaCour, Michael Lacombe, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent. Chairman Van Kojis and Freeman Ford were absent. Also present were James Gauthier and Lizzie Ned, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jaimie Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor; and Karen Williams, Special Services Supervisor. In Chairman Kojis’ absence, Board President Michael Lacombe presided.
1. Mrs. Jaimie Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor, presented the sales tax report for the month of August, 2015. Mrs. Lacombe stated that sales tax revenues for the month of August totaled $630,102.06. She stated that of this amount, the 1.5% sales tax generated $540,087.55 and the 0.25% sales tax generated $90,014.51.
Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Finance Committee recommended to adopt the sales tax report for the month of August, 2015 as presented by Supervisor Lacombe. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Finance Committee recommended to approve requests for overnight travel as presented by Superintendent Dauzat. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Ms. Esther Boe with the LSU Agriculture Center addressed the Finance Committee regarding an increase in funding.
4. Ms. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; and Mrs. Karen Williams, Special Services Supervisor, reviewed the nurses’ Medicaid billing process.
The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.
The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report with the exception of Item Number 3, as per Mr. Chris LaCour’s request.
Michael Lacombe, President
On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairman Kojis with the exception of Item Number 3. MOTION CARRIED.
Chairman Kojis recognized Committee Member Chris LaCour, who spoke in reference to Item Number 3 of the Finance Committee Report. Mr. LaCour stated he had made a motion during the Finance Committee meeting that the Board increase their annual contribution to the Avoyelles Parish 4-H Program. At that time, the motion had died for lack of a second. Therefore, he would like to address the full Board regarding this matter.
A motion was offered by Chris LaCour, seconded by Darrell Wiley, that the Board increase their annual contribution to the Avoyelles Parish 4-H by 20% ($3500), an increase from $17,444 to $20,944.
Discussion ensued. Ms. Esther Boe with the LSU Agriculture Center explained to the Board that there are 1250 students involved in 4-H in Avoyelles Parish. The organization has had a 40% loss of funding from the State over the past 6 years. The program needs funds to continue operating and to maintain staff and the county agent. Board Member Van Kojis pointed out that, considering the number of students involved in 4-H, this new funding amount averages out to only $16 per student. Ms. Boe also inquired about the length of time funding from the Board can be secured.
Mr. LaCour amended his motion, seconded by Darrell Wiley, that the Board increase their annual contribution to Avoyelles Parish 4-H by 20% ($3500), an increase from $17,444 to $20,944, for a period of three (3) years and then renew this amount as long as funding is available. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
10. Mr. John Gagnard, Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:
Education Committee Report
September 15, 2015
The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
John Gagnard, Chairman; James Gauthier, Chris LaCour, Michael Lacombe, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent. Ms. Shelia Blackman-Dupas was absent. Also present were Lizzie Ned, Board Member; Susan Welch, Supervisor of Secondary Education; and Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education.
1. Mrs. Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education, presented proposed changes to the 2015-2016 Pupil Progression Plan for the committee’s consideration.
Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Education Committee recommended to accept the changes to the 2015-2016 Pupil Progression Plan. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
John Gagnard, Chairman
Education Committee
On motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Gagnard. MOTION CARRIED.
11. Mr. Darrell Wiley, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:
Executive Committee Report
September 22, 2015
The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Darrell Wiley, Chairman; John Gagnard, Lizzie Ned, Michael Lacombe, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Freeman Ford was absent. Also present were Chris LaCour, James Gauthier, and Van Kojis, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Brent Whiddon, Supervisor of Transportation; Anthony Salario, Assistant District Attorney; and Theresa Thevenot, Librarian.
1. Mr. Chris LaCour addressed the Executive Committee regarding the newly adopted state law pertaining to schools being cell-free zones.
The committee did not take any action.
2. Mr. James Gauthier discussed school uniforms and use of rivets on pants. The committee stated that Item Number 5 as listed in the 2015-2016 Student Handbook under “Student Dress Code” states, “Jeans of any color and/or type are not allowed except on designated days for positive behavior and/or achievement. This includes all pants that have rivets.”
Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Executive Committee recommended to remove Sentence 2 of Item 5 which states, “This includes all pants that have rivets.” MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
3. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat stated that he was in receipt of a flyer regarding renewal of the library millage in the upcoming November 21, 2015 election. Mr. Dauzat said that Librarian Theresa Thevenot and Ms. Carolyn Harris are requesting permission to provide a flyer to all public school students.
The Executive Committee did not take any action. The committee agreed to place this item on the October 6, 2015 Board agenda.
4. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat presented policies submitted by Mr. James Prescott, Jr. of Forethought Consulting, Incorporated, as follows:
(a) File: EDD School Bus Scheduling and Routing
(b) File: JCDB Student Dress Code
(c) File: JDD Suspension
(d) File: JDE Expulsion
Upon motion by Lizzie Ned, seconded by John Gagnard, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the policies as submitted by Mr. Prescott. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
5. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat and Transportation Supervisor Brent Whiddon presented an update on discipline and a recent accident report.
6. Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Executive Committee agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing possible litigation. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Darrell Wiley, Chairman
Executive Committee
Regarding Item Number 1, Committee Member Chris LaCour updated the Board that Mr. Donovan Tassin has designed a 2-foot by 1-foot sign denoting “Hands-Free Zone” which the Board may purchase and the State may install below the current School Zone signs. It was noted by a member of the audience that signs are already in place similar to this. The Board will address this issue at a later date.
On motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Chairman Wiley. MOTION CARRIED.
12. Mrs. Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent, presented personnel changes for the Board’s review, as follows:
BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY: Change in funding source for Michelle Spikes, teacher, from school based budget to Title I CSR, effective August 5, 2015 through May 20, 2016; Appointment of Leann Randall, (TAT) teacher, effective September 9, 2015 through December 18, 2015; Change in funding source for Rosalie Pierite, paraprofessional, from Title I to school based budget, effective August 5, 2015; Change in funding source for Carolyn Mosley, paraprofessional, from Title I to school based budget, effective August 5, 2015; and Resignation of Holli Dauzat, teacher, effective at the end of the day September 30, 2015.
COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Renewal of administrative contract for Wendy Adams, Principal, effective September 7, 2015 through September 6, 2017. Change of funding source for Ashley Ducote, teacher, from school based budget to Title I, effective August 5, 2015 through May 20, 2016; and Appointment of Josie Green, (retired) special education inclusion teacher, effective August 11, 2015 through December 18, 2015.
PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Resignation of Sandi L. Moreau, teacher, effective at the end of the day September 2, 2015.
RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Change in funding source: Appointment of Sherry Reech, teacher, from Title I to school based budget, effective August 5, 2015 through May 20, 2016;
Change in funding source: Appointment of Carmelettia Callahan, paraprofessional, from school based budget to Title I, effective August 5, 2015; and Change in funding source: Appointment of Casey Goudeau, paraprofessional, from school based budget to Title I, effective August 5, 2015.
AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of John Kevin Savoy, (TAT) teacher, effective August 12, 2015 through October 12, 2015; Resignation of Angela Dixon, teacher, effective September 9, 2015; and Resignation of Machenzie Foreman, teacher, effective at the end of the day September 22, 2015.
LOUISIANA SCHOOL FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES: Appointment of McKinley Williams, Jr., (retired) teacher, effective August 24, 2015 through December 18, 2015; Appointment of Sherryl C. Blood, teacher, effective September 15, 2015 through May 20, 2016; Appointment of Ronald C. Chamberlain, Sr., (TAT) teacher, effective September 28, 2015 through December 18, 2015; Resignation of McKinley Williams, (retired) teacher, effective August 31, 2015; and Resignation of Bessie Bannister, (retired) teacher, effective at the end of the day August 28, 2015.
MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL: Change of funding source for Leigh Fryery, Academic Coach, from 100% Title I to 50% school based budget and 50% Title I, effective August 5, 2015 through May 20, 2016.
AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CENTRAL OFFICE: Renewal of administrative contract for Karen Williams, Special Services Supervisor, effective October 16, 2015 through October 15, 2017; Appointment of Martin Jacobs, Jr., maintenance crew employee, effective October 1, 2015, replacing Perry Armand who retired; Resignation of Mary Daigrepont, Accounts Payable Clerk, effective at the end of the day June 30, 2016, for the purpose of retirement.
13. Superintendent Blaine Dauzat presented an update report to the Board. He announced that the October 1 enrollment count was 5770, which is a decrease of 94 students from this same time last year. However, the final tally of enrollment will be October 23. This week marks the ninth week in the first 9-week period. Report card night will be held at all schools on Thursday, October 15, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. for all schools EXCEPT the Marksville block. Due to Homecoming activities, report card night will be held in the Marksville block on Wednesday, October 14, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Mr. Dauzat also took a moment to reflect on the recent tragedies and crises at several schools over the past months. He noted that the schools handled these well as they were happening–no panic, no problems–and he commended the schools’ staff and especially Ms. Debbie Bain and the crisis team for their professionalism, support, and assistance.
There being no further business, on motion by James Gauthier, seconded by John Gagnard, the meeting was adjourned.
Michael Lacombe, President
Blaine Dauzat, Secretary-Treasurer