The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Monday, July 3, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


            Chris LaCour, President; Lizzie Ned, Vice-President; Darrell Wiley, Freeman Ford, James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Van Kojis, and John Gagnard.


            Absent:   Shelia Blackman-Dupas


            An Invocation was offered by Mr. Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Instruction.


            The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Ms. Liza Jacobs, Principal of Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy.


            1.         On motion by Lizzie Ned, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Monday, June 5, 2017, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            2.         Board Member James Gauthier read a resolution of respect to the late Connie Ducote, former teacher.


                        On motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Van Kojis, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Connie Ducote.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            3.         Board Member Van Kojis read a resolution of respect to the late Deborah Willis, former teacher.


                        On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Deborah Willis.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            4.         Board Member John Gagnard read a resolution of respect to the late Beverly Ann Barbin, former bus driver.


                        On motion by John Gagnard, seconded by James Gauthier, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Beverly Barbin.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            5.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat stated that the annual Administrators’ Retreat will be held Wednesday and Thursday, July 5 and 6, 2017, at LaSAS. He said that all supervisors, principals, assistant principals, and instructional coaches will be attendance.   In addition, Superintendent Dauzat advised the Board that there will be a “Bunkie Science Day” hosted by Dr. Isiah Warner on July 10, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Bunkie Magnet High School. Dr. Warner will be accompanying graduate students from Louisiana State University and will be hosting “Bunkie Science Day” for middle and high schools students.   These students will be participating in science technology experiments, at no charge to the students.  Lastly, Superintendent Dauzat stated that this past Friday, June 30, 2017, he received LEAP scores for mathematics, English/Language Arts and science for grades three through eight. He said that he is presently awaiting the scores for social studies and progress points by the Fall. Mr. Dauzat said that overall there are more positive than negative results and that the district showed a small amount of growth.  


            6.         Mr. James Gauthier, Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:


Education Committee Report

June 20, 2017


                        The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        James Gauthier, Chairman; Lizzie Ned, Darrell Wiley, John Gagnard, Chris LaCour, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were   Freeman Ford, Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Michael Lacombe and Van Kojis, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education; and Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Instruction.


                        1.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat reviewed the District Strategic Plan for the school district.


                                    The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        James Gauthier, Chairman

                                                                        Education Committee


                        On motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Darrell Wiley, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Gauthier.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            7.         Mr. Michael Lacombe, Chairman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:


Building and Lands Committee Report

June 20, 2017


                        The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:



                        Michael Lacombe, Chairman; Shelia Blackman-Dupas, Van Kojis, John Gagnard, Chris LaCour, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent. Also present were Darrell Wiley, Freeman Ford, Lizzie Ned, and James Gauthier, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; and Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor.


                        1.         Mr. Roy Simon of Simmesport addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding the old Simmesport Elementary School property.


                                    Upon motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to advertise for bids to sell the property with the minimum bid of appraised value.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         President Chris LaCour addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding Section 16 lands.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by John Gagnard, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to rebid the Pomme deTerre Section 16 property with a minimum bid of $34.50 per acre.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to refer the issue of destruction of the Gar Fish Section to the Executive Committee.    MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        3.         Chairman Michael Lacombe discussed the sale of appraised properties


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to refer the Saline section to the Executive Committee for discussion.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by John Gagnard, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to give permission to Steve Marcotte to obtain appraised lease value for the property in Cottonport.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to advertise for bids to sell properties in Simmesport, Fifth Ward, former Bunkie Middle School and Bunkie Detention Center.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         President Chris LaCour addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding the monthly updates of maintenance spending.


                                    Upon motion by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, seconded by Van Kojis, the Building and Lands Committee recommended that Mr. Steve Marcotte provide a monthly report of all expenses over $5000 from maintenance funds.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        5.         Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, discussed the lighting upgrade rebate program with CLECO.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Shelia Blackman-Dupas, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to enter into an agreement with CLECO to join in their rebate program.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.  

                                                                        Michael Lacombe, Chairman

                                                                        Building and Lands Committee


                        On motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by Chairman Lacombe.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            8.         Mr. Van Kojis, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:


Finance Committee Report

June 20, 2017


                        The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at approximately 5:25 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Van Kojis, Chairman; Freeman Ford, James Gauthier, Michael Lacombe, Chris LaCour, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were Lizzie Ned, Darrell Wiley, and John Gagnard, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; and other supervisors and administrators.


                        1.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented the sales tax report for the month of May, 2017. Mrs. Bonnette stated that sales tax revenues for the month of May totaled $651,242.65.  She stated that of this amount, the 1.5% sales tax generated $372,138.89, the 0.25% sales tax generated $93,034.32, and the building maintenance fund generated $186,069.44.      


                                    Upon motion by Michael Lacombe, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Finance Committee recommended to approve the sales tax report for the month of May, 2017, as presented by Mrs. Bonnette. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Finance Committee recommended to approve requests for overnight travel as presented by Superintendent Dauzat.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        3.         Mrs. Jenny Welch, Food Service Supervisor, addressed the Finance Committee regarding an update on CEP renewal.


                                    Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Finance Committee recommended to recluster schools when applicable for the CEP renewal.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.       


                        4.         Mrs. Jenny Welch, Food Service Supervisor, presented the Food Service budget.


                        5.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat addressed the Finance Committee regarding the sabbatical leave policy. Mr. Dauzat informed the committee that he does not plan on granting many, if any, requests for sabbatical leave from this point forward.


                        6.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented the proposed 2017-2018 Consolidated Budget, as follows:



                                    Estimated Total Revenues                                 $54,443,891


                                    Estimated Total Expenditures                             $54,447,170


                                                Sources/Uses                                       ($1,444,815)


                                    Net Change in Fund Balance                              ($1,448,094)


                                    Estimated Beginning Fund Balance                    $21,377,719


                                    Estimated Ending Fund Balance             $19,929,625


                                    A public hearing will be held on August 1, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. prior to budget adoption.


                        The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                            Van Kojis, Chairman

                                                            Finance Committee


                        On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairman Kojis.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            9.         Mr. Darrell Wiley, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:


Executive Committee Report

June 27, 2017


                        The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Darrell Wiley, Chairman; Lizzie Ned, James Gauthier, Van Kojis, and Chris LaCour, President.  Mr. Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent, was absent. Also present were Michael Lacombe, John Gagnard, and Van Kojis, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education; and Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor.


                        1.         Ms. Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent, presented revisions to the “Avoyelles Parish School Board Wellness Policy”. 


                                    Upon motion by Lizzie Ned, seconded by Van Kojis, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the revisions to the “Avoyelles Parish School Board Wellness Policy” as presented by Assistant Superintendent Prater.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented the Communities in Schools (CIS) Service Agreement for the committee’s review.


                                    Upon motion by James Gauthier, seconded by Van Kojis, the Executive Committee recommended approval of the Communities in Schools Service Agreement as presented.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        3.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented an agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and Electronic Information Systems for the committee’s approval.


                                    Upon motion by Lizzie Ned, seconded by James Gauthier, the Executive Committee recommended approval of the agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and Electronic Information Systems.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a Memorandum of Understanding between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Avoyelles Public Charter School, Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy, and University View Academy.


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Lizzie Ned, the Executive Committee recommended approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Avoyelles Public Charter School, Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy, and University View Academy.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        5.         President Chris LaCour discussed damages to the Garfish Section.


                                    The Executive Committee did not take any action at this time, however, will await advice from the Board’s legal counsel.


                        6.         President Chris LaCour addressed the Executive Committee regarding options for Section 16 leases.


                                    The Executive Committee recommended to form an Ad Hoc Committee to plan and organize wording for the Section 16 leases.


                        The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Darrell Wiley, Chairman

                                                                        Executive Committee


                        On motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Chairman Wiley.    MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            10.       Mr. John Gagnard, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:      


Bus Committee Report

June 27, 2017


                        The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                         John Gagnard, Chairman; Michael Lacombe, Freeman Ford, and Chris LaCour, President. Mrs. Shelia Blackman-Dupas and Blaine Dauzat were absent.  Also present were Darrell Wiley, James Gauthier, Lizzie Ned, and Van Kojis, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; and Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor


                        1.         Mr. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, presented an update of bus incident reports.


                                    The Bus Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        2.         Mr. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, addressed the Bus Committee regarding permission to purchase 12 Model 2017 school buses, contingent upon receiving the Diesel Emission Reduction Grant.


                                    Upon motion by Freeman Ford, seconded by Michael Lacombe, the Bus Committee recommended to grant approval for the Superintendent to purchase 12 Model 2017 school buses for the Avoyelles Parish school system, contingent upon receipt of the Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Bus Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        John Gagnard, Chairman

                                                                        Bus Committee


                        On motion by John Gagnard, seconded by Freeman Ford, the Board adopted the Bus Committee Report as presented by Chairman Gagnard.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            11.       Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review, as follows:




BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY: Appointment of Vanessa Batiste, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Kayla B. Neal, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of LeAnn Randall, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Kaitlyn J. West, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Peggy Joshua, (retired) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017;  Appointment of Diana Sheppard, (retired) Dean of Students, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; and Appointment of Vetria L. Veal, (TAT) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017.


COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:  Appointment of Jennifer D. Dupont, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Lauren Ducote, (retired) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Transfer/appointment of Lisa B. Breaux, from Kindergarten to Inclusion teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Ashley L. Dubea, Autism teacher, from Riverside Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; and Transfer/appointment of Joscelyn W. Ebey, special education paraprofessional, from Lafargue Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017.


LAFARGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:  Transfer/appointment of Krystle Reynaud, from special education self-contained to regular education classroom teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Christy Guillot, from Kindergarten to regular education classroom teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Tyronnica Mingo, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Jennifer Franks, from non-categorical pre-school to Kindergarten teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Denton Spinks, from physical education to self-contained teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; and Transfer of Charles Blanchard, paraprofessional, from Title I to regular education school based budget, effective August 7, 2017.


MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:  Transfer/appointment of Leslie O. Carmouche, from mild-moderate special education to regular education classroom teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Noel Rambo, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Avery Lemoine, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Kenneth Ford, teacher, from Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy to physical education, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Caitlin St.Romain,  from Lafargue Elementary School to Title I CSR teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Verna S. Johnson,  from Title I CSR to severe profound teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Chris Dupuy to part-time adaptive physical education teacher at Marksville Elementary School and part-time at Marksville/Bunkie area jail, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; and Appointment of Gail Harvey, (retired) Dean of Students, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017.


PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:  Transfer/appointment of Maggi Pepiton, teacher, from Marksville Elementary School, to Title I CSR, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Kourtny K. Bordelon, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Michelle Patterson, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Hope Tigner, non-categorical pre-school paraprofessional, effective August 7, 2017; and Appointment of Porsha M. Bradley, inclusion teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Erin Lacour, teacher, from Plaucheville Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Josephine Stevenson, (retired) teacher, August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Amber Voiselle, (TAT) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Christy A. Tassin, bus driver, effective August 7, 2017, replacing Gail Parker due to Lovinia Martin’s retirement; and Transfer/appointment of Gail Parker, bus driver, effective August 7, 2017, replacing Lovonia Martin who retired.


AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Scott Balius, Administrative Assistant, effective July l, 2017 through June 30, 2018; Appointment of Hali Wanersdorfer, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Meagan Best, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Rebecca Scioneaux, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Bailey Gauthier, (TAT) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Jake Howard, agriculture teacher, effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018;  Transfer/appointment of Pat Joffrion to part-time Instructional Coach at Avoyelles High School  and part-time Instructional Coach at LaSAS, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Logan G. Lemoine, (TAT) Business teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Brandy N. Lemoine, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Ryan J. Gremillion, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Cassandra M. Gaspard, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; and Change funding source for Cynthia Moncrief, paraprofessional, from school based budget to Title I, effective August 7, 2017.


BUNKIE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL:  Appointment of Katelyn Hines, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Isaac Adams, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Kaycie Ross, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Mallory Ogea, (TAT) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Bianca Harvey, (TAT) effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Transfer/appointment of Kristy Dauzat to part-time Instructional Coach at Bunkie Magnet High School and part-time Instructional Coach at Marksville High School, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Resignation of Daniel Greenhouse, teacher, effective August 2, 2017; Appointment of Laure A. Tubre, (TAT) special education teacher, effective August 2, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Transfer/appointment of Judy Ducote Adams, paraprofessional, from Bunkie Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 (special education school based budget); Transfer/appointment of Amy Dauzat, paraprofessional, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 (special education school based budget); and Transfer/appointment of Karen S. Ducote, paraprofessional, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 (special education school based budget.)


LOUISIANA SCHOOL FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES: Transfer/appointment of Meredith Melancon, teacher, from Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Casey Nastasi, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Alyce M. Gauthier, (TAT) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Transfer/appointment of Julie Ryland, from Lafargue Elementary School to Family and Consumer Science teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Ward Bordelon, from regular education to vocational agri-science teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Bonnie Leduc, (retired) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; and appointment of Wayne Lemoine, (retired) JAG teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017.


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Sabrina Washington, from Instructional Coach to regular classroom teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Stephanie A. Iles, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of John B. Vidrine, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of George G. Hathorn, (retired) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Ellen P. Lester, (retired) teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017; Appointment of Devin A. Tipton, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Rebekah L. Young, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Sterling A. Stewart, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Appointment of Myleka W. Harrington, teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; Transfer/appointment of Mia C. Lamkin, from regular education to mild/moderate special education teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through May 24, 2018; and Resignation of Pattrecia Darbonne, school secretary, effective June 6, 2017.


AVOYELLES PARISH PUPIL APPRAISAL CENTER: Appointment of Catherine D. Tyler, (retired) part-time Early Childhood teacher, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017.





MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Change funding source for Ashley St.Romain, paraprofessional, from school based budget to Title I, effective August 7, 2017; and Change funding source for Jessica A. Gauthier, paraprofessional, from Title I to school based budget, effective August 7,  2017.   BUNKIE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Mathew Murdock, (retired) Dean of Students, effective August 7, 2017 through December 20, 2017.


                        There being no further business, on motion by Darrell Wiley, seconded by Van Kojis, the meeting was adjourned.



                                                            AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD


                                                            Chris LaCour, President


                                                            Blaine Dauzat, Secretary-Treasurer