The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


            Lynn Deloach, President; Robin Moreau, Vice-President; Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, Rickey Adams, Van Kojis, and Aimee Dupuy.


            Absent:   None.


            An Invocation was offered by Mr. Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education.


            The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member Chris Robinson.


            1.         Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held Tuesday, June 4, 2019, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            2.         Board Member Rickey Adams read a resolution of respect to the late Thomas George  Broussard, former teacher, principal, and Director of Curriculum and Instruction.


                        On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Van Kojis, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Thomas George Broussard.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            3.         Vice-President Robin Moreau read a resolution of respect to the late Lisa Renee  Turner, former teacher.


                        On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Latisha Small, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Lisa Renee Turner.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            4.         Board Member Van Kojis read a resolution of respect to the late Dr. Donald E. Hines, former School Board Member.


                        On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Dr. Donald E. Hines.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            5.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat stated that the summer school program for 2019 has ended.  He thanked Ms. Thelma Prater, Ms. Demetria Alexander, Ms. Celeste Voinche, Mr. Dexter Compton, Ms. Dawn Pitre, and Ms. Jenny Welch for making this summer session a success with very little cost to the Board.  Mr. Dauzat further stated that LEAP scores are in, but cannot be officially released publicly until July 11.  Superintendent Dauzat did mention that the district has not regressed in the growth that was gained in the past three years.


                         President Lynn Deloach congratulated the Louisiana 4-H Shooting Sports Team for winning the national championship, which is the first time Louisiana has won first place in this competition.


            6.         On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board granted permission to authorize the Superintendent, on the terms and conditions that he may deem advisable, to negotiate and execute grant agreements on behalf of the Board and further hereby gives him the power and authority to do all things necessary to implement, maintain, amend, or renew said documents with The Rapides Foundation.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            7.         Ms. Becky Spencer, Technology Coordinator, and Mr. Chris Lemoine, Network Administrator, addressed the Board regarding upgrading the current camera hardware system to increase capacity at all sites across the district.


                        On motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board agreed to upgrade the current camera hardware system to increase capacity at all sites across the district at a total cost of $35,000 using reserve funds.   MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            8.         Mr. Chris LaCour, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, presented the following report regarding Alternative Education.


Ad Hoc Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Ad Hoc Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met at 4:00 p.m.  Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at the School Board Office.  The purpose of this meeting was to discuss options for the alternative school.


                        Members serving on the committee were Chris LaCour, Chairman; Lynn Deloach, President; Robin Moreau, Vice-President; Van Kojis and Latisha Small. Also present were Stanley Celestine, Jr. and Aimee Dupuy, Board Members; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent.


                        Chairman Chris LaCour reviewed information provided by Supervisor Jennifer Dismer regarding performance results for the Avoyelles Virtual Alternative Program under the direction of Ombudsman Educational Services. 


                        Following a discussion, the Ad Hoc Committee recommended that Supervisor Dismer  contact other parishes regarding the type of alternative school in place in their school district, cost of the program, programs available, and other options for consideration by the Board. 


                        Board Member Stanley Celestine, Jr. requested that Supervisor Dismer provide the Board with a monthly report showing consistent data collection, as follows: (1) achievement rate of the students, and (2) how many students are in the program.


                        There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


                                                                        Chris LaCour, Chairman

                                                                        Ad-Hoc Committee


                        On motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Ad Hoc Committee Report as presented by Chairman LaCour.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            9.         Mr. Rickey Adams, Chairman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:


Building and Lands Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Rickey Adams, Chairman; Robin Moreau, Chris Robinson, Van Kojis, and Lynn Deloach, President.   Also present were Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Aimee Dupuy,  Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent;  Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; and Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; and Dexter Compton, Supervisors.


                        1.         Committee Member Van Kojis addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding reappraisal of Section 16 properties.


                                    A motion was offered by Van Kojis to accept the bid proposal submitted by  Mr. Ben Hargis, Appraiser, in the amount of $3800 - $4800.  The motion died for lack of a second.


                                    Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to reach out to new commercial appraisers to appraise the campsites by the next committee meeting. 


                                    The motion was adopted by the following vote:   Ayes:   Rickey Adams, Robin Moreau, Chris Robinson, and Lynn Deloach.  Nays: Van Kojis. 


                        2.         Vice-President Robin Moreau addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding campsite leases.      


                                    Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to reduce the cost of  a hunting permit from $200 to $25, contingent  upon appraisal. 


                                    The motion was adopted by the following vote:   Ayes:   Rickey Adams, Robin Moreau, and Lynn Deloach.  Nays: Van Kojis.  Abstained: Chris Robinson.


                        3.         Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, discussed School Board properties for sale.


                                    Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to remove the “for sale” sign at the Simmesport school and Fifth Ward school but continue to advertise the sale of the two former schools.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report. 

                                                                        Rickey Adams, Chairman

                                                                        Building and Lands Committee


                        The Board voted on the adoption of each item in the Building and Lands Committee Report separately, as follows:


                        Item Number 1: Reappraisal of Campsites - this item was adopted 6-3 by the following vote:


                                    Ayes:               Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, Rickey Adams, and Aimee Dupuy


                                    Nays:               Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Van Kojis


                        Item Number 2:  Hunting Permit Price - this item failed 5-3 by the following vote:


                                    Ayes:               Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, and Aimee Dupuy


                                    Nays:              Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Rickey Adams, and Van Kojis


                                    Abstained:        Chris Robinson


                        Item Number 3: Removing For Sale Signs - this item was adopted 9-0 by a unanimous vote.


            10.       Mr. Chris Robinson, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:


Bus Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 5:06 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                         Chris Robinson, Chairman; Aimee Dupuy, Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Lynn Deloach, President.  Also present were Stanley Celestine, Jr., Robin Moreau, Rickey Adams, and Van Kojis, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; and Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor.


                        1.         Mr. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, presented an update of bus incident reports. 


                                    The Bus Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        2.         Committee Member Aimee Dupuy addressed the Bus Committee regarding the recruitment of bus drivers.  


                                    Ms. Dupuy requested that Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater include in the advertisement for recruitment of bus drivers, the changes in the pay schedule which was recently adopted by the Board.


                        The Bus Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Chris Robinson, Chairman

                                                                        Bus Committee


                        On motion by Chris Robinson, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted the Bus Committee Report as presented by Chairman Robinson.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            11.       Mr. Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:


Education Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 5:12 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman; Latisha Small, Aimee Dupuy, Chris LaCour, and Lynn Deloach, President.  Also present were Robin Moreau, Chris Robinson, and Rickey Adams, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education; and Becky Spencer, Technology  Coordinator.


                        1.         Chairman Stanley Celestine, Jr. addressed the Education Committee regarding  the new science standards/processes.


                                    The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                            Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman

                                                            Education Committee


                        On motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Celestine.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            12.       Mr. Robin Moreau, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:


Executive Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 5:17 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Robin Moreau, Chairman; Chris Robinson, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Rickey Adams,  Lynn Deloach, President.   Also present were Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Aimee Dupuy, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education; and Becky Spencer, Technology Coordinator.


                        1.         Upon motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Chris Robinson, the Executive Committee recommended approval of a resolution for The Rapides Foundation Healthy Behaviors Initiative Grant for the 2019-2020 school year.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Chairman Robin Moreau addressed the Executive Committee regarding changing the amount given to students qualifying for out-of-state competitions.


                                    The Executive Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        3.         Board Member Aimee Dupuy addressed the Executive Committee regarding the possibility of streaming committee meetings live or posting meetings on the School Board website after completion.


                                    Upon motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Rickey Adams, the Executive Committee recommended to begin streaming all committee meetings.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         Upon motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Executive Committee recommended to approve a policy submitted by Mr. James Prescott, Jr. of Forethought Consulting, Incorporated, as follows: File: JGCB - Immunizations.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        5.         Ms. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Executive Committee regarding renewing a contract with Mr. Scott Fazzio, Insurance Consultant.


                                    Upon motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Executive Committee recommended to renew the contract with Mr. Scott Fazzio in the amount of $11,900. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                                    With regards to students qualifying for out-of-state competition, Mr. Fazzio donated $2500 to this fund.


                        The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                            Robin Moreau, Chairman

                                                            Executive Committee


                        The Board voted on adoption of each item in the Executive Committee Report separately, as follows:


                        Item Number 1:   Rapides Foundation Grant - On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Latisha Small, this item was adopted 9-0 by a unanimous vote.


                        Item Number 2: Donation for Out-of-State Competitions - On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, this item was clarified that the donation amount be $500 and was adopted 9-0 by a unanimous vote.


                        Item Number 3: Streaming Committee Meetings - On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., this item was clarified that committee meetings be posted on the school board’s website (not streamed live) and was adopted 6-3 by the following vote:


                                    Ayes:               Aimee Dupuy, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, and Rickey Adams


                                    Nays:               Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Van Kojis


                        Item Number 4: Immunizations Policy - On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Chris LaCour, this item was adopted 9-0 by a unanimous vote.


                        Item Number 5: Insurance Consultant Contract - On motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Chris LaCour, this motion was adopted 6-3 by the following vote:


                                    Ayes:               Van Kojis, Chris LaCour, Latisha Small, Chris Robinson, Lynn Deloach, and Rickey Adams


                                    Nays:               Stanley Celestine, Jr., Robin Moreau, and Aimee Dupuy


            13.       Mrs. Aimee Dupuy, Chairwoman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:


Finance Committee Report

June 18, 2019


                        The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at 5:50 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:  Aimee Dupuy, Chairperson; Robin Moreau, Chris LaCour, Rickey Adams, and Lynn Deloach, President.  Also present were Latisha Small, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Chris Robinson,  Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; and Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance.


                        1.         Mrs.  Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented the sales tax report for the month of May, 2019.  Mrs. Bonnette stated that sales tax revenues for the month totaled $638,768.78.  She stated that of this amount, the 1.5% sales tax generated $365,010.67, the 0.25% sales tax generated $91,252.77, and the building maintenance fund generated $182,505.34.                


                        2.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette advised the Finance Committee that there were three (3) maintenance spending expenditures above $5,000 for the month of May, 2019, as follows:


                                    (1) Scallan Contractors, $5,977.00 for Marksville High School restrooms


                                    (2) Scallan Contractors, $5,804.00 for Marksville High School restrooms


                                    (3) Teacher’s Pet, Incorporated, $6,099.00 for toilet partitions in the gym restrooms at Riverside Elementary School


                        3.         Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented requests for overnight travel.


                                    Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Finance Committee recommended to approve the requests for overnight travel as presented.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         Upon motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Finance Committee recommended to donate $250.00 to Logan Haggard, student at Riverside Elementary School, to defray the cost of attending the National BETA Convention in Oklahoma City in June.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        5.         Mr. Scott Fazzio, Insurance Consultant, addressed the Finance Committee regarding the 2019-2020 insurance policy renewal for student insurance.


                                    Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Finance Committee recommended to renew the Student Accident and Catastrophic Injury Coverage Preferred Plan through Great American Insurance, administered by Student Assurance Services, and offered by 1st Insurance Marksville at a cost of $104,293.82.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        6.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a summary of the 2019-2020 General Fund Budget.


                        The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Aimee Dupuy, Chairwoman

                                                                        Finance Committee


                                    On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairwoman Dupuy with the exception that the amount in Item Number 4 to be donated is $500.00.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            14.       Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review, as follows:




BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY: Appointment of Vetria L. Veal, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Amie C. Clark, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Victoria G. McDaniel, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020;  Appointment of Courtney D. Brown, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Malcolm Smoot, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Valerie A. Chesne, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Deanna D. Mitchell, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Peggy Joshua, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Kayla B. Neal, from regular education to mild moderate teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Tiffany Rabalais, part-time instructional coach, from JAG teacher at Avoyelles High School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; and Appointment of Dannette L. Prater,  bus driver, effective August 6, 2019, replacing Michelle Gremillion.


COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Lauren Ducote, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Heavin L Chesne, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Shelby Lacombe Gash, from Marksville Elementary School to Kindergarten teacher,  effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Angie Champ,  from Marksville Elementary School to Inclusion K-3 teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21,  2020; Appointment of Ruby Hawkins, (retired)  mild/moderate teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019;  Appointment of Brianna P. Vaccaro, (TAT) mild/moderate teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019;  Transfer/appointment of Leslie O. Camouche, from regular education teacher at Marksville Elementary School to part-time instructional coach, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; and  Appointment of Lauren J. Dufour, paraprofessional, from regular school base budget to special education, effective August 6, 2019.


LAFARGUE  ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Nichole M Cole, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020;  Appointment of Vanessa B. Ducote, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Christy Guillot, from Kindergarten teacher to regular classroom teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Jessica Dauzat, from CSR to regular classroom teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Robin V. Weatherford, Kindergarten teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Gabre’ Williams, teacher, from school base budget to Title I CSR, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Lisa W. Lachney, paraprofessional, school base budget - Library, effective August 6, 2019 and Resignation of Lisa Renee Turner, teacher, effective June 6, 2019, for the purpose of retirement.


MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Pamela Rabalais, teacher, from Plaucheville Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Brooke N. Anderson, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Jessica G. Lemoine, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Melissa O. Bordelon, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Caitlyn T. Woodard, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Natalie M. Curley, Pre-K teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of LaLisa B. Scallan, from regular education teacher to mild/moderate teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of April Lee Brown, Behavior Interventionist paraprofessional, from Lafargue Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Angela Gagnard, special education paraprofessional, from Marksville High School, effective August 6, 2019; Appointment of Amanda B. Brulte’, Pre-K paraprofessional, effective August 6, 2019; and Transfer/Appointment of Jared Bordelon, bus driver, from Riverside Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019.


PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Amanda Gauthier, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Donald A. Antie, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Tomika T. Simmons, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Sheila Aymond,  from regular education teacher to self-contained teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Leslie O. Camouche, from regular education teacher at Marksville Elementary School to part-time instructional coach, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Paula Mills, paraprofessional, from school base budget to IDEA-B visually impaired, effective August 6, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Patia M. Roy, special education paraprofessional, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019; and Appointment of Sara K. Gaspard, bus driver,  effective August 6, 2019.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Sherry A. Reech, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Sarah M. Troncale, teacher, from Marksville Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Josephine Stevenson, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Tiffany Rabalais, part-time instructional coach, from JAG teacher at Avoyelles High School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Carmelettia Callihan, paraprofessional, from school base budget to Title I Pre-K, effective August 6, 2019; Appointment of Shawnita Scott, school base budget - school-wide paraprofessional,  effective August 6, 2019; and Appointment of Jina K. Crouse, Computer Lab paraprofessional, effective August 6, 2019.


AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL:  Transfer/appointment of Lisa B. Breaux, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Samantha Chapin, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Cameron M. Adams, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Amanda P. Ebey, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Kaitlyn B. McQuillin, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of  Cynthia Hukins, teacher,  effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Crystal Adams, Title I paraprofessional, from Plaucheville Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019; and Appointment of Sarah N. Gaspard, bus driver, effective August 6, 2019, replacing Crystal Decuir who resigned.


BUNKIE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Margaret Garnett, teacher, from Lafargue Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Jessica L. Juneau, teacher, from Lafargue Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Sarah L. Riche, teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of David E. Dyson, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Matthew Murdock, (retired) Dean of Students, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; and Appointment of Laure’ A. Tubre, special education teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019.


LOUISIANA SCHOOL FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES: Appointment of Heather L. Breithaupt, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Bonnie Leduc, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; and Appointment of Angela N. Deville, (retired) content mastery teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019.


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL:  Renewal of an administrative contract for Joel Desselle, Assistant Principal, effective July 31, 2019 to July 30, 2021; Transfer/appointment of Jonathan Landry, from JAG teacher to regular classroom teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Transfer/appointment of Nettie D. Jeansonne, teacher, from Avoyelles High School, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020; Appointment of Brent A. Barbre, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of George G. Hathorn, (retired) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Malik R. Perry, (TAT) teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Appointment of Steven P. Dye, (TAT) Journey to Careers teacher, effective August 6,  2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Jimmie R. Hillamn, from regular education teacher to JAG teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020;  Appointment of Sheena R. Grote, (TAT) agriculture teacher, effective July 23, 2019 through December 20, 2019; Transfer/appointment of Melissa Marcotte, special education paraprofessional, school base budget, from Marksville Elementary School, effective August 6, 2019; and Transfer/Appointment of Jennifer Lachney, bus driver, from Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy, effective August 6, 2019.


AVOYELLES PARISH PUPIL APPRAISAL CENTER:  Transfer/appointment of Casey Foret, from Handicapped Infant to Early Interventionist teacher, effective August 6, 2019 through May  21, 2020;

Appointment of Natalie N. Drouin, speech therapist, effective August 6, 2019 through May 21, 2020;

and Appointment of Aimee H. Watts, social worker, effective July 23, 2019 through June 4, 2020.





BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY: Appointment of Claudine Rogers, Administrative Assistant, effective July 23, 2019 through June 4, 2020.


MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Transfer/appointment of Cynthia Moncrief, special education paraprofessional, from Avoyelles High School, effective August 6, 2019.


                        There being no further business, on motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Latisha Small, the meeting was adjourned.



                                                            AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD


                                                            Lynn Deloach, President


                                                            Blaine Dauzat, Secretary-Treasurer