The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, January 14, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


            Latisha Small, Lynn Deloach, Chris LaCour, Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, Rickey Adams, Van Kojis, and Aimee Dupuy.


            Absent:   None.


            An Invocation was offered by Mr. Michael Rachal, Principal of Avoyelles High School.


            The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member Chris Robinson.


            1.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat presented a plaque to outgoing President Lynn Deloach and outgoing Vice-President Robin Moreau for their service and dedication to the Board for the period January 8, 2019 through December 31, 2019.


            2.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat advised the Board that the terms of office for the President and Vice-President of the Avoyelles Parish School Board have expired.  He then called for nominations for the office of President.


                        Board Member Van Kojis placed the name of Latisha Small in nomination for the office of President.


                        Board Member Stanley Celestine, Jr. placed the name of Robin Moreau in nomination for the office of President.


                        Board Member Chris LaCour moved that nominations for the office of President be closed.  The motion was seconded by Rickey Adams.


                        Superintendent Blaine Dauzat requested that the Board members cast their votes.


                        Board Members who voted for Latisha Small:

                                    Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, Chris Robinson, and Van Kojis


                        Board Members who voted for Robin Moreau:

                                    Robin Moreau, Lynn Deloach, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Rickey Adams, and Aimee Dupuy


                        By a vote of 5-4, Mr. Robin Moreau was declared President of the Board for the 2020 school year.


            3.         President Robin Moreau called for nominations for the office of Vice-President.


                        Board Member Aimee Dupuy placed the name of Rickey Adams in nomination for the office of Vice-President.


                        There were no other nominations for the office of Vice-President.


                        Rickey Adams was declared Vice-President of the Board for the 2020 school year.


            4.         On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held Tuesday, December 3, 2019, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            5.         Board Member Latisha Small read a resolution of respect to the late Errol Laborde, former teacher and computer specialist at the central office.


                        On motion by Latisha Small, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Errol Laborde.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            6.         Board Member Aimee Dupuy read a resolution of respect to the late Robby Gaspard, former teacher, principal, and supervisor.


                        On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Robby Gaspard.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            7.         Board Member Rickey Adams read a resolution of respect to the late Charles Gene Clark, former custodian.


                        On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board adopted a resolution of respect to the late Charles Gene Clark.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            8.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized the Students of the Month for January.  Mr. Dauzat presented a plaque to each student.  Also, each Board Member read a short biography detailing the accomplishments of each student.


                        The Students of the Month included: Kaitlyn Lewis, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Bella Turner, Cottonport Elementary School; Ethan Laborde, Lafargue Elementary School; Abigail St. Romain, Marksville Elementary School; Liam Dupont, Plaucheville Elementary School; Demetrius Alexander, Riverside Elementary School; Garrett Clark, Avoyelles High School; Karen Lewis, Bunkie Magnet High School; Champ Desselle, LaSAS; and Dakota Bardwell, Marksville High School.


                        On behalf of the Board, President Robin Moreau commended the students on their accomplishments.

            9.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized the Teachers of the Month for January.  Mr. Dauzat commended the teachers and presented a plaque to each teacher, as follows:


                        Chrissy Grayson, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; LaTausha Bryant, Cottonport Elementary School; Sheterica Bradley, Lafargue Elementary School; Brooke Anderson, Marksville Elementary School; Amanda Gauthier, Plaucheville Elementary School; Susan Bordelon, Riverside Elementary School; Lyndsey Roy, Avoyelles High School; Doris Leary, Bunkie Magnet High School; Summer Anderson, LaSAS; and Nuri Jeter, Marksville High School.


                        On behalf of the Board, President Robin Moreau commended the teachers on their accomplishments.


                        At this time, Board Member Van Kojis politely left the meeting.


            10.       Superintendent Blaine Dauzat congratulated Robin Moreau and Rickey Adams on being elected President and Vice-President, respectively.  He also congratulated Coach “O”, Joe Burrow, and the whole LSU Football Team for winning the National Championship Game last night. 


                        Superintendent Dauzat pointed out that the second semester of the school year has begun, and state testing will begin in about 40 days or so.  He also just received news that State Superintendent of Education John White has announced his resignation effective March 11, 2020. 


                        Board Member Lynn Deloach expressed his gratitude for the plant and prayers offered for his wife after her recent surgery.


            11.       Superintendent Blaine Dauzat announced that the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to the Avoyelles Parish School Board by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.  This is the highest form of recognition in the areas of government accounting and financial reporting.  Superintendent Dauzat congratulated Ms. Mary Bonnette, Ms. Jaimie Lacombe, and the entire finance department on this outstanding achievement.


            12.       Mr. Daryl Deshotel, State Representative, addressed the Board.  Mr. Deshotel stated that he was sworn in yesterday.  He announced that his office is now open, and he has hired two assistants: Chrissie Jeansonne, who is in charge of constituent services; and Craig Foster, who is in charge of group services and special projects.


            13.       Superintendent Blaine Dauzat addressed the Board regarding a contract with Advanced Medical Personnel Services, Incorporated, and the Avoyelles Parish School Board.


                        Upon motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board granted permission to the Superintendent to approve a contract with Advanced Medical Personnel Services, Incorporated.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            14.       Mrs. Becky Spencer, Technology Coordinator, addressed the Board regarding the 2020-2025 E-Rate Category I Project.


                        Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board granted approval for the Superintendent to award the 2020-2025 E-Rate Category I Project and negotiate and properly execute the contract.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 


            15.       Board Member Aimee Dupuy addressed the Board regarding the Marksville city tax issue and requested clarification of this matter.  Ms. Jaimie Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor, explained that the School Board acts as the collecting agent for taxes in the parish and disburses the amounts designated for each entity.  The Board was ordered to immediately cease collection of the one percent (1%) tax for the City of Marksville.  This tax apparently expired on December 31, 2018.  The City of Marksville was advised to place the sales tax that has been collected since that time into an escrow account until the matter is resolved.  This has no effect on the School Board’s tax revenue.


            16.       Vice-President Robin Moreau presented the following report:


Finance Committee Report

December 17, 2019


                        The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present: 


                         Robin Moreau, Chris LaCour, Rickey Adams, and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Mrs. Aimee Dupuy, Chairperson; and Mr. Lynn Deloach, President, were absent.   Also present were Latisha Small, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, and Van Kojis, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jaimie Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor; and other supervisors.


                        1.         Mrs.  Jaimie  Lacombe, Sales Tax Supervisor, presented the sales tax report for the month of November, 2019.  Mrs. Lacombe stated that sales tax revenues for the month totaled $661,394.30.  She stated that of this amount, the 1.5% sales tax generated $377,933.06, the 0.25% sales tax generated $94,494.71, and the building maintenance fund generated $188,966.53.              .

                                    Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Rickey Adams,  the Finance Committee recommended to approve the sales tax report as presented by Supervisor Lacombe.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat advised the Finance Committee that there were no maintenance spending expenditures above $5,000 for the month of November, 2019.


                        3.         Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Finance Committee recommended to approve the requests for overnight travel as presented by Superintendent Dauzat.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented a report of year-to-date (as of October 2019) of the 2019-2020 General Fund in comparison to the prior year budget.


                        5.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented budget revisions of the Food Service Fund for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.


                                    Upon motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Finance Committee recommended to approve the Food Service Fund budget revisions for the 2019-2020 fiscal year, as presented.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Robin Moreau



                        On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Vice-President Moreau.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            17.       Mr. Rickey Adams, Chairman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:


Building and Lands Committee Report

December 17, 2019


                        The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 4:43 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                         Rickey Adams, Chairman; Robin Moreau, Chris Robinson, Van Kojis, and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Mr. Lynn Deloach, President, was absent.  Also present were Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Stanley Celestine, Jr., Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; and other supervisors.


                        1.         A representative of Associated Design Group presented a report of proposals for an Energy Management Program. 


                                    Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Van Kojis, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to enter into negotiations with Johnson Controls to implement an Energy Management Program.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Mr. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding a request from the Coco Family to grant them a right-of-way for board-owned land located on Old River. 


                                    Upon motion by Van Kojis, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to grant a right-of-way to the Coco family. 


                                    The motion was adopted by the following vote:   Ayes: Rickey Adams, Robin Moreau, and Van Kojis.  Nays: None.  Abstained: Chris Robinson.


                        The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report. 

                                                                        Rickey Adams, Chairman

                                                                        Building and Lands Committee


                        On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by Chairman Adams.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            18.       Mr. Chris Robinson, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:


Bus Committee Report

December 17, 2019


                        The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                         Chris Robinson, Chairman; Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Ms. Aimee Dupuy and Mr. Lynn Deloach, President, were absent.  Also present were Stanley Celestine, Jr., Robin Moreau, and Rickey Adams, Board Members; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; and other supervisors.


                        1.         Mr. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, presented an update of bus incident reports.


                                      The Bus Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        The Bus Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Chris Robinson, Chairman

                                                                        Bus Committee


                        On motion by Chris Robinson, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Board adopted the Bus Committee Report as presented by Chairman Robinson.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            19.       Mr. Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:


Education Committee Report

December 17, 2019


                        The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at approximately 5:14 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


                        Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman; Latisha Small, Chris LaCour, and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Ms. Aimee Dupuy and Mr. Lynn Deloach, President, were absent.   Also present were Robin Moreau, Chris Robinson, and Rickey Adams, Board Members; Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education; Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education; and other supervisors.


                        1.         Board Member Rickey Adams addressed the Education Committee regarding tutoring on Mondays.  


                                    The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        2.         Chairman Stanley Celestine, Jr. addressed the Education Committee regarding the Louisiana Parents’ Bill of Rights. 


                                    The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        3.         Chairman Stanley Celestine, Jr. addressed the Education Committee regarding an update on the four-day school week, specifically, (a) number of vacancies, (b) number of certified teachers (not including retirees), (c) number of retired teachers, (d) number of  TAT teachers, (e) number of uncertified teachers, (f) average (district and each school) student absences, and (g) average (district and each school) teacher absences.


                                    The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                            Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman

                                                            Education Committee


                        On motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Chris LaCour, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Celestine.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            20.       Board Member Chris Robinson addressed the Board regarding an update report on the Board’s grant writer.  Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, announced that the grant writer is working on a $15,000 grant for playground equipment at Lafargue Elementary School.


            21.       Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review, as follows:




BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY:  Appointment of Christian J. Odom, (TAT) Kindergarten teacher, effective January 8, 2020 through May 21, 2020; and Resignation of Gertrude Milligan, (retired) teacher, effective January 6, 2020.


PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Appointment of Melissa N. Mayeux, (TAT) teacher, effective January 6, 2020 through May 21, 2020;  Appointment of Amy C. Longino, special education paraprofessional, effective January 6, 2020; and  Resignation of Bruce A. Novo, bus driver, effective May 22, 2020, for the purpose of retirement.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:  Resignation of Christy Tassin, bus driver, effective at the end of the day December 3, 2019.


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL: Appointment of Deborah S. Wiley, (retired) teacher, effective January 7, 2020 through May 21, 2020, replacing Felice Edwards who resigned.


AVOYELLES PARISH PUPIL APPRAISAL CENTER: Appointment of Catherine D. Tyler, (retired) part-time Early Childhood Interventionist teacher, effective January 28, 2020 through May 21, 2020.

ADDENDUM(S) - 1/14/2020


COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Resignation of Rhonda Andress, teacher, effective at the end of the day January 16, 2020.


AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL:  Discontinuance of service of Chelsea Garin, teacher, effective at the end of the day December 20, 2019.


            There being no further business, on motion by Chris LaCour, seconded by Rickey Adams, the meeting was adjourned.


                                                            AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD


                                                             Robin Moreau, President


                                                            Blaine Dauzat, Secretary-Treasurer