The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office, Marksville, Louisiana, with the following members present:


Robin Moreau, President; Rickey Adams, Vice President; Latisha Small, Lynn Deloach, Chris Lacour, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chris Robinson, Jill Guidry, and Aimee Dupuy.


Absent:   None.


An Invocation was offered by Board Member Latisha Small.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by outgoing Board President Robin Moreau.


1.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat presented a plaque to outgoing President Robin Moreau and outgoing Vice President Rickey Adams for their service and dedication to the Board for the period January 14, 2019 through December 31, 2020.


2.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat advised the Board that the terms of the office for the President and Vice President of the Avoyelles Parish School Board have expired. He then called for nominations for the office of President.


Board member Aimee Dupuy placed the name of Stanley Celestine, Jr. in nomination for the office of President.


Board member Chris Robinson placed the name of Rickey Adams in nomination for the office of President.


Board member Chris Lacour moved that nominations for the office of President be closed. The motion was seconded by Robin Moreau.


Superintendent Blaine Dauzat requested that the Board members cast their votes.


Board members who voted for Stanley Celestine, Jr.:

            Aimee Dupuy, Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Jill Guidry.


Board members who voted for Rickey Adams:

            Chris Robinson, Latisha Small, Chris Lacour, and Rickey Adams.


By a vote of 5-4, Stanley Celestine, Jr. was declared President of the Board for the 2021 school year.


3.         President Stanley Celestine, Jr. called for nominations for the office of Vice President.


Board member Rickey Adams placed the name of Chris Robinson in nomination for the office of Vice President.


Board member Aimee Dupuy placed the name of Jill Guidry in nomination for the office of Vice President.


Board member Robin Moreau moved that nominations for the office of Vice President be closed. The motion was seconded by Chris Lacour.


Board members who voted for Chris Robinson:

            Rickey Adams, Latisha Small, Chris Lacour, and Chris Robinson.


Board members who voted for Jill Guidry:

                                    Aimee Dupuy, Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Jill Guidry.


By a vote of 5-4, Jill Guidry was declared Vice President of the Board for the 2021 school year.


4.         On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 and Special Board meeting held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            Board member Rickey Adams left the meeting at approximately 5:10 p.m.


5.         A) Board Member Lynn Deloach read a resolution of respect to the late Glenda H. Cole, retired teacher.


On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Chris Lacour, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Glenda H. Cole, retired teacher.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            B)  Board Member Chris Robinson read a resolution of respect to the late Lou Ella Sheppard Zacharie, retired teacher.


On motion by Chris Robinson, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Lou Ella Sheppard Zacharie, retired teacher. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            C)  Board Member Aimee Dupuy read a resolution of respect to the late Nathan E. Maillet, retired teacher.


On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Nathan E. Maillet, retired teacher. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            D)  Board Member Latisha Small read a resolution of respect to the late Shirley Fontenot Desselle, retired teacher.


On motion by Latisha Small, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Shirley Fontenot Desselle, retired teacher. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            E)  Board Member Jill Guidry read a resolution of respect to the late JoAnn Ford Howard Davis, retired food service manager.


On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late JoAnn Ford Howard Davis, retired food service manager. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            F)  Board Member Lynn Deloach read a resolution of respect to the late Vernon Butler, retired Director of Federal Programs.


On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Chris Lacour, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Vernon Butler, retired Director of Federal Programs. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


6.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized the Students of the Month for December. Mr. Dauzat stated that board members will present a plaque to each Student of the Month at their respective school.


            Mr. Dauzat announced the Students of the Month at each school, as follows:


Johntavion Green, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Joeliyah Malbrough, Cottonport Elementary School; Kaydee Treadway, Lafargue Elementary School; Layla Gagnard, Marksville Elementary School; Chazz Luquette, Plaucheville Elementary School; Annie Dupont, Riverside Elementary School; Baylie Zaunbrecher, Avoyelles High School; Connor Hart, Bunkie Magnet High School; Cayden Goudeau, LouisianaSchool for the Agricultural Sciences; and Deja Thomas, Marksville High School.


On behalf of the Board, President Stanley Celestine, Jr. commended the students on this outstanding achievement.


7.         Superintendent Blaine Dauzat recognized the Teachers of the Month for December, as follows:


Courtney Brown, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Alexis Armand, Cottonport Elementary School; LeeAnn Mingo, Lafargue Elementary School; Nikki Guidry, Marksville Elementary School; Sydney Newton, Plaucheville Elementary School; Allison Lacombe, Riverside Elementary School; Amanda Ebey, Avoyelles High School; Sarah Riche, Bunkie Magnet High School; Bonnie Leduc, LouisianaSchool for the Agricultural Sciences; and Malik Perry, Marksville High School.


On behalf of the Board, President Stanley Celestine, Jr. commended the teachers on their hard work and dedication.


8.         Comments by Superintendent Blaine Dauzat:  In a Covid-19 update, Superintendent Dauzat stated that students testing positive for coronavirus is not the biggest problem in our schools; it’s the adults.  Faculties and staff are stretched thin due to quarantine requirements, but we are determined to make it work.  There is always a chance to go fully virtual, but there are no plans to do that at this moment.  Also, Superintendent Dauzat announced that Leap testing in the high schools began today.  Again, due to limited staff, this is a challenge but will be accomplished.


9.         A motion was offered by Robin Moreau, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, that the Board take an item off the table from the December 1, 2020, regular Board meeting.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


Mr. Robin Moreau addressed the Board to discuss the tabled item (Item #5 of the Executive Committee Report dated November 17, 2020) regarding the fee paid to the District Attorney’s office.


“Upon motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended that the Board discontinue paying $25,000 per year to the District Attorney’s office.”


The motion was adopted by a vote of 4-3 as follows:


AYES:              Aimee Dupuy, Robin Moreau, Lynn Deloach, and Stanley Celestine, Jr.


NAYS:              Latisha Small, Chris Lacour, and Chris Robinson.


ABSTAINED:                 Jill Guidry.


ABSENT:                      Rickey Adams.


10.        President Stanley Celestine, Jr. presented the Building and Lands Committee Report in Chairman Rickey Adams’ absence, as follows:



December 15, 2020


The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at approximately 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office, with the following members present:


Rickey Adams, Chairman; Aimee Dupuy, Lynn Deloach, Stanley Celestine, Jr.; Robin Moreau, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were Chris Robinson and Chris Lacour, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.


1.         Chairman Rickey Adams addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding the discussion of the 10-year plan.


The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.


2.         Chairman Rickey Adams addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding the school driveways in need of repair.


  The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter, however, a study will be done to see which schools need attention.


3.         Committee member Chris Robinson addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding the Appraisal of the Bunkie Middle baseball field and parking lot.


Mr. Francis Keller addressed the board concerning the possible sale of the field.


Upon motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Building and Lands Committee granted permission to get the baseball and football fields along with the parking lot at Bunkie Middle School appraised. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


4.         President Robin Moreau addressed the Building and Lands Committee regarding an update on the FFA Camp.


The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.


The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


            Rickey Adams, Chairman

            Building and Lands Committee


On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by President Stanley Celestine, Jr.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


11.        Mr. Stanley Celestine, Jr, Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:



December 15, 2020


The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 4:45 p.m. at the School Board Office, with the following members present:


Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman; Latisha Small, Chris Robinson, Rickey Adams; Robin Moreau, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were Lynn Deloach, Chris Lacour, and Aimee Dupuy, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Celeste Voinche, Dexter Compton, Dawn Pitre, and Jennifer Dismer, Supervisors; other supervisors and coordinators. 


1.         Committee member Chris Robinson addressed the Education Committee regarding an update of the DARE program. 


The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.


2.         Chairman Stanley Celestine, Jr. addressed the Education Committee regarding La Gear Up.


Dr. Cobb with the LOFSA office addressed the board and will be sending more information.


The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                        Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman

                        Education Committee


On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Celestine.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


12.        Mr. Chris Robinson, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:



December 15, 2020


The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at approximately 5:21 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


Chris Robinson, Chairman; Chris Lacour and Latisha Small; Robin Moreau, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent. Mrs. Jill Guidry was absent.  Also present were Lynn Deloach, Rickey Adams, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Aimee Dupuy, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors, coordinators, and principals.


1.         Mr. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, presented an update report on the bus incidents in the school district.


The Bus Committee did not take any action on this matter.


2.         Chairman Chris Robinson addressed the Bus Committee regarding an update on the bus driver pool.


The Bus Committee did not take any action on this matter.


The Bus Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                        Chris Robinson, Chairman

                        Bus Committee


On motion by Chris Robinson, seconded by Chris Lacour, the Board adopted the Bus Committee Report as presented by Chairman Robinson.   MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


13.        Mr. Lynn Deloach, Chairman of the Executive Committee Report, presented the following report:



December 15, 2020


The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 5:25 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


Lynn Deloach, Chairman; Aimee Dupuy, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Rickey Adams; Robin Moreau, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were Latisha Small, Chris Robinson, and Chris Lacour, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; supervisors and coordinators.


1.         Committee member Aimee Dupuy addressed the Executive Committee regarding a request of the attorney general’s opinion regarding the district attorney’s compensation from the Avoyelles Parish School Board.


On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Robin Moreau. the Executive Committee requested Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry’s opinion of the legalities of paying the district attorney’s office for legal fees. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


2.         Mary Bonnette addressed the Executive Committee regarding the approval of school bus financing documents.


On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Executive Committee approved the school bus financing documents. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


3.         Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater addressed the Executive Committee with a contract for Frontline.


On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Board adopted the contract for Frontline as presented by Assistant Superintendent Prater. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                        Lynn Deloach, Chairman

                        Executive Committee


On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Chairman Deloach.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


14.        Mrs. Aimee Dupuy, Chairwoman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:



December 15, 2020


The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at approximately 5:35 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:


Aimee Dupuy, Chairwoman; Chris Lacour, Lynn Deloach, Rickey Adams; Robin Moreau, President; and Blaine Dauzat, Superintendent.  Also present were Latisha Small, Stanley Celestine, Jr., and Chris Robinson, Board Members; Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; supervisors and coordinators.


1.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented an actual sales tax report for the month of October, 2020.  She stated that sales tax collections totaled $900,024.01. Mrs. Lacombe said that of this amount, the 1% sales tax generated $514,299.27, the 0.25% sales tax generated $105,096.94, and the building and maintenance fund generated $257,149.79.


Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, also presented a sales tax report for the month of November, 2020.  She stated that sales tax collections totaled $808,561.31. Mrs. Lacombe said that of this amount, the 1% sales tax generated $462,035.12, the 0.25% sales tax generated $115,508.65, and the building and maintenance fund generated $231.017.56.


2.         Committee member Rickey Adams presented the monthly maintenance report on expenditures for the committee’s review.        


3.         Mrs. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, presented an update on the General Fund year-to-date 2020-2021 budget expenditures.


Mrs. Bonnette presented the Finance Committee with a proposed revised General Fund 2020-2021 Budget as follow: Total Estimated Revenue $37,082,236.00, Estimated Expenditures $37,530,429.00, and a proposed estimated deficit ($448,243.00).


On motion by Chris Lacour, seconded by Robin Moreau, the board adopted the proposed budget revision for the General Fund 2020-2021 Fiscal Year as presented by Director Bonnette.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                        Aimee Dupuy, Chairwoman

                        Finance Committee


On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Chris Lacour, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairwoman Dupuy.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


15.        A motion was made by Vice President Jill Guidry, seconded by Chris Lacour, to add an item to the agenda requesting an update regarding hunting on School Board property without permits.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            District Attorney Charles Riddle updated the Board on his discussions with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.  Citations can be issued to anyone on School Board hunting property who do not have permits, and District Attorney Riddle can then file a Bill of Information against those offenders.


16.        Superintendent Dauzat addressed the Board to discuss the File: GBCA, Fingerprint Policy.


On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted File: GBCA, Fingerprint Policy, as presented by Superintendent Dauzat. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


17.        Superintendent Dauzat addressed the Board to discuss the Covid Leave Policy.  He is requesting authorization to extend the Emergency Family and Medical Leave provision to June 30, 2021, or any later date established by Congress.


On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Chris Lacour, the Board adopted the revised Covid Leave Policy as presented by Superintendent Dauzat. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


18.        Mary Bonnette addressed the Board to discuss the approval of the Resolution of Avoyelles School Canvass Proceedings.


On motion by Chris Lacour, seconded Jill Guidry, this Resolution of Avoyelles School Canvass Proceedings was submitted to a vote, and the vote thereon was as follows:


MEMBERS:                              YEAS:              NAYS:  ABSENT:          ABSTAINED:


Latisha Small                            __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Lynn Deloach                            __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Chris Lacour                             __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Robin Moreau                            __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Stanley Celestine, Jr.                 __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Chris Robinson                         __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Rickey Adams                           _____               _____               ___X___           ___________

Jill Guidry                                  __X__               _____               _______            ___________

Aimee Dupuy                            __X__               _____               _______            ___________


19.        Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review.





LEARNING ACADEMY                                                  Re-appointment of Josephine Stevenson, (retired) teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


Appointment of Ruby Hawkins, (retired) special education teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021, replacing Quiana Rene Bell, who transferred.


COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                       Transfer/appointment of Quiana Rene Bell, Special Education Resource teacher, from Bunkie Elementary, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


Re-appointment of Brandi L. Williams, teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


LAFARGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                            Appointment of Leigh C. Fryer, Kindergarten teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021, replacing Robin Weatherford.


Transfer /appointment of Jared Bordelon, special education bus driver, from Marksville Elementary School, effective December 1, 2020.


MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                         Transfer/ appointment of Jennifer Lachney, bus driver, from Marksville High School, effective December 1, 2020.


PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                     Re-appointment of Avery O. Lemoine, teacher, effective December 1, 2020 through January 8, 2021.


Re-appointment of Joni L. Meche, (TAT) teacher, effective December 1, 2020 through January 8, 2021.


Appointment of Lore M. Laborde (TAT) special education inclusion teacher, effective December 2, 2020 through December 18, 2020, replacing Kallie Riche.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                            Re-appointment of Amber V. Bordelon, (TAT) teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


 AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL                                        Transfer appointment of Jonathan M. Landry, teacher, from Marksville High School, effective December 10, 2020 through June 1, 2021.


Re-appointment of Michael J. Canal, (TAT) teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


Appointment of Marion K. Lemoine, (retired) teacher, effective January 6, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


Appointment of Viola Ford, custodian, effective December 18, 2020, replacing Donna Lemoine while on leave.


Resignation of Donna Lemoine, custodian, effective at the end of the day June 30, 2021, for the purpose of retirement.


Resignation of Jonathan Hagan, teacher, effective at the end of the day December 18, 2020.


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL                                        Re-appointment of Misty L. Blanchard, teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.                                      


Appointment of Charles Friels, Custodian, effective December 15, 2020, replacing Wendell Holmes who transferred.


Appointment of Micki H. Johnson, teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021, replacing Jonathan Landry.


Appointment of Rebecca E. Quick, (TAT) teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through February 4, 2021.


CENTRAL OFFICE                                                        Transfer /appointment of Stacey B. Longlois, superintendent secretary, from Lafargue Elementary School, effective November 24, 2020 through April 30, 2021, replacing Cynthia Juneau while on leave.





COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY                                      Resignation of Linda P. Carpenter (retired) teacher, at the end of the day January 20, 2021.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY                                           Appointment of Allison L. Lacombe, (TAT) teacher, effective January 4, 2021 through June 1, 2021.


There being no further business, on motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the meeting was adjourned.




Stanley Celestine, Jr., President

Blaine Dauzat, Secretary-Treasurer