The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office, in Marksville, Louisiana, with the following members present:


Aimee Dupuy, President; Chris Robinson, Vice-President; Latisha Small, Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr., Rickey Adams, and Jill Guidry.


Absent: Chris Lacour.


1.         Graduate Processional


An Invocation was offered by Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Board Member Robin Moreau.


2.         On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


3.         A.         Board Member Aimee Dupuy read a resolution of respect to the late Lee Albert Gaspard, retired teacher.


                        On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Lee Albert Gaspard, retired teacher.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            B.         Board Member Lynn Deloach read a resolution of respect to the late Patricia Dumas Ours, retired Title I visiting teacher.


                        On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Patricia Dumas Ours, retired Title I visiting teacher. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


4.         Avoyelles High, Bunkie Magnet High and Marksville High School Principals, recognized this year’s graduates as follows:  Avoyelles High School – Mitrandra Gilmore; Bunkie Magnet High School – Da’Keylan Bradford, Voreceana Lewis, and Ty’reonna Young; Marksville High School – Deyani Cotton, Lavarian Palmer, Brandon Palmer, Shayna Parker, Kyln Bowden, and Tyrianna Jones.


            Graduate Recessional


A motion was offered by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, that the Board add an item to tonight’s meeting agenda, Item #14 – Discussion of Who Have You Blessed lease.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


5.         Superintendent Tutor addressed the Board with a recommendation to increase our liability insurance requirement to $1,000,000 on all leases by January, 2023.


            After hearing from Blake Knoll with 1st Insurance as well as comments from the public, the Board took no action on this matter, and the current liability limits will remain as is.


6.         Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, addressed the Board with a request to approve the EPA Clean School Bus Program Grant to purchase buses.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board agreed to begin the grant application process to purchase propane buses. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


7.         Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education, addressed the Board with a request to approve a contract between Imagine Learning Professional Development for High School Mathematics Curriculum and the Avoyelles Parish School Board.


            On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board granted approval to enter into a contract with Imagine Learning Professional Development for High School Mathematics Curriculum in the amount of $11,500.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


8.         Jenny Welch, Food Service Supervisor, addressed the Board with a request to approve a resolution that grants her the power and authority to do all things necessary to implement, maintain, amend, or renew documents with the Rapides Foundation.


            On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Board hereby grants Jenny Welch, Food Service Supervisor, the power and authority to do all things necessary to implement, maintain, amend, or renew documents with the Rapides Foundation. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


9.         Jenny Welch, Food Service Supervisor, addressed the Board with a request to approve the Child Nutrition Program to piggyback on a Request for Proposal (RFP) for dishware services that was procured through the Calcasieu Parish School Board, Child Nutrition Program.


            On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board granted approval of the Child Nutrition Program to piggyback on a Request for Proposal (RFP) for dishware services that was procured through the Calcasieu Parish School Board, Child Nutrition Program.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


10.        Jill Guidry, Board Member, addressed the Board with a request to purchase a new concession stand building for the Bunkie Magnet High School football field, with the school paying for finishing work.  The existing stand had to be taken down due to a new track being installed on its location.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board agreed to begin the bidding process for a new concession stand building for the Bunkie Magnet High School football field.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


11.        Committee Reports


(a)   Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report:



June 21, 2022


                        The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Office with the following members present:     

                        Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman; Jill Guidry, Robin Moreau; and Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent. Committee Member Lynn Deloach and President Aimee Dupuy were absent.  Also present were Chris Robinson, Board Member; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.


                        1.         Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education, addressed the Executive Committee with a request to approve the cooperative endeavor agreement between Central Louisiana Technical Community College and the Avoyelles Parish School Board.


            On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the cooperative endeavor agreement between Central Louisiana Technical Community College and the Avoyelles Parish School Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        2.         Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education, addressed the Executive Committee with a request to approve the Career Compass proposal for the Avoyelles Parish School Board 2022-2023 school year.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the Career Compass proposal for the Avoyelles Parish School Board 2022-2023 school year funded by Perkins in the amount of $13,832.00 and Orchard in the amount of $17,168.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        3.         Mike Rachal, Administrator at AVAP, addressed the Executive Committee with a request to adopt the 2022-2023 Virtual Policy.


            On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the adoption of the 2022-2023 Virtual Policy. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman

                                                                        Executive Committee


On motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Chairman Celestine. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


(b) Robin Moreau, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:



June 21, 2022


                        The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at approximately 4:35 p.m. at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Office with the following members present:

                        Robin Moreau, Chairman; Stanley Celestine, Jr., Jill Guidry; and Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent. Committee Member Rickey Adams and President Aimee Dupuy were absent.  Also present were Chris Robinson, Board Member; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.


            Committee Member Rickey Adams entered the Finance Committee meeting at 4:43 p.m.


            A motion was offered by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Jill Guidry, that the Finance Committee add an item to tonight’s meeting agenda: Recommendation to approve including counselors in the recruitment/retention stipend that is available for teachers who work with students and have a good attendance record.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            1.         Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor, presented an actual sales tax report for the month of May, 2022.  She stated that sales tax collections totaled $894,439.02. Mrs. Rachal said that of this amount, the 1% sales tax generated $511,108.25, the 0.25% sales tax generated $127,776.65, and the building and maintenance fund generated $255,554.12. 


                                    The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        2.         Committee Member Robin Moreau presented the monthly maintenance report on expenditures for the committee’s review.


                                    The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        3.         Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Finance Committee with a review of the 2022-2023 General Fund Budget draft.


                                    The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        4.         Superintendent Karen Tutor addressed the Finance Committee with a request that counselors be included in the recruitment/retention stipend.


            On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Finance Committee recommended approval of including counselors in the recruitment/retention stipend that is available for teachers who work with students and have a good attendance record. This stipend is for $3,500 per year for two (2) years and funded with ESSER Funds.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Robin Moreau, Chairman

                                                                        Finance Committee


On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairman Moreau.  Chairman Moreau requested that Superintendent Karen Tutor look into a factor index of certified counselors in place.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        (c) Jill Guidry, Chairwoman of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:



June 21, 2022


                        The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at approximately 4:56 p.m. at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Office with the following members present:

                        Jill Guidry, Chairwoman; Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr.; and Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent. Committee Member Chris Lacour and President Aimee Dupuy were absent.  Also present were Chris Robinson and Rickey Adams, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.


                        1.         Superintendent Tutor addressed the Building and Lands Committee for discussion of land leases and people with felony convictions.


                                    The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.


                        2.         Superintendent Tutor presented the Building and Lands Committee with a review of our liability insurance.  The current liability requirement is $100,000.00; however, our insurance carrier suggests increasing the requirement to $1,000,000.00.


                                    The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.


3.         Steve Marcotte, Supervisor of Maintenance, addressed the Building and Lands Committee requesting permission for Retired Major General John Bordelon to grub and clean out Mule Bayou on Section 16 T3NR6E (Garfish Section) which is flooding his property.  This would be at no expense to the board.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Building and Lands Committee recommended to grant approval for Retired Major General John Bordelon to grub and clean out Mule Bayou on Section 16 T3NR6E (Garfish Section). The Avoyelles Parish School Board will purchase and install a minimum of 2 culverts, with Mr. Steve Marcotte being the point of contact.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        4.         Steve Marcotte, Supervisor of Maintenance, addressed the Building and Lands Committee requesting approval of the bid opening committee report for the hunting lease for the Bayou Joson Section (Section 16 T2NR6E).


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Building and Lands Committee recommended to approve the bid from John F. Earles, II in the amount of $54.68 per acre, totaling $35,000.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        5.         Steve Marcotte, Supervisor of Maintenance, addressed the Building and Lands Committee requesting approval of the bid opening committee report for the hunting lease of the Gin Lake section (Northeast 1/4 of Section 11       T2WR3E).


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Building and Lands Committee recommended to approve the bid from Hargis Farm Partnership in the amount of $36.05 per acre, totaling $5,984.30.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        6.         Steve Marcotte, Supervisor of Maintenance, addressed the Building and Lands Committee requesting approval of the bid for the Central Office Generator Installation.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Building and Lands Committee recommended to approve the bid from Bayou Jacques Electric for the Central Office Generator Installation in the amount of $130,299.75, funded by ESSER funds. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.


                                                                        Jill Guidry, Chairwoman

                                                                        Building and Lands Committee


On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by Chairwoman Guidry. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            (d) Rickey Adams, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:



June 21, 2022


                        The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at approximately 5:35 p.m. at the Avoyelles Parish School Board Office with the following members present:

                        Rickey Adams, Chairman; Chris Robinson; and  Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent. Committee Members Latisha Small and Chris Lacour along with President Aimee Dupuy were absent. Also present were Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr. and Jill Guidry, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors, coordinators, and principals.


                        There were not enough committee members present to constitute a quorum.


12.        Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater addressed the Board for approval of overnight travel requests.


            On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Board approved the requests for overnight travel as presented by Assistant Superintendent Prater.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


13.        Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review.





ACADEMY                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Adinah M. Francisco, from paraprofessional to Financial Secretary, effective July 19, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Lindsey Bertrand, teacher, from Cottonport Elementary, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Courtney D. Brown, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Peggy Joshua, (retired) Kindergarten teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Micaela D. Drouin, Speech Pathologist, from Pupil Appraisal Center, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Katelyn M. Lavalais, schoolwide paraprofessional, effective August 2, 2022.


COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                       Transfer/Appointment of Kallie E. Adams, paraprofessional, from Avoyelles Virtual Alternative Program, effective August 2, 2022.


LAFARGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                            Resignation of Freddie Andrews, custodian, effective at the end of the day June 30, 2022, for the purpose of retirement.


                                                                                    Resignation of Carla Sophia Piazza Wood, teacher, effective at the end of the day July 26, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Terri Shannon, from Instructional Coach to teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Allie M. Dunn, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Leah D. Ducote, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Leah D. Hataway, from Special Education Mild Moderate to Kindergarten teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Abbie C. Dunn, Kindergarten teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of  Jennifer Franks, from LA-4 to Pre-K Title I teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Kayla Laborde, from Kindergarten to LA-4  Pre-K teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Adrienne B. Smith, from regular education to Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Chrystal L. Luneau, schoolwide paraprofessional, effective August 2, 2022.


MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL             Appointment of Kimberly F. Gagnard, Principal, effective June 20, 2022 through June 19, 2024.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Claudine J. Rogers, Assistant Principal, effective July 19, 2022 through July 18, 2024.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Charli F. Hauk, teacher, from Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Brandi R. Lee, teacher, from LaSAS, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Brittany D. Bordelon, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of McKenzie M. Simmons, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Lauren Ducote, (retired) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Heather S. Bergeron, (TAT) Autism teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL         Resignation of Amy M. Guillory, paraprofessional, effective June 2, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Allison L. Lacombe, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


                                                                                    Appointment of Avery O. Lemoine, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Sara L. Ducote, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Rachael M. Martin, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Romaro D. Turner, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Carrie L. Ardoin, from Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Lore M. Laborde, Inclusion teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Angie Lemoine, special education paraprofessional, from Lafargue Elementary, effective August 2, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Cora Trattles Sons, schoolwide paraprofessional, from Cottonport Elementary, effective August 2, 2022.


RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                Appointment of Constance D. Jones, Financial Secretary, effective July 19, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Courtney L. Gagnard, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Devin M. Davis, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Amber M. Bordelon, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Aslyn M. Dennie, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Transfer/Appointment of Nicole K. Bordelon, Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, from Bunkie Magnet High, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL                             Appointment of Marion K. Lemoine, (retired) part-time teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Cameron M. Adams, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Lyndsey M. Juneau, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Melissa N. Mayeux, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Taylor K. Lambert, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.

Appointment of Allyn E. Ducote, (TAT) Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Transfer/Appointment of Brianna P. Vaccaro, Special Education Content Mastery teacher, from Cottonport Elementary, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


BUNKIE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL                     Resignation of Kaitlyn Glorioso, teacher, effective August 1, 2022.


                                                                                                            Appointment of David E. Dyson, (retired) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of McKenzie Bienvenu, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Reagan V. Lemoine, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Diana Sheppard, (retired) Special Education Self-contained teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Transfer/Appointment of Misty L. Blanchard, teacher, from Marksville High, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL                            Resignation of Malik Perry, teacher, effective August 1, 2022.


Appointment of Helena L. Ellis, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


Appointment of Brandon J. Speer, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Micki H. Johnson, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Richie Johnson, teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Rebecca E. Quick, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Morgan T. Thornhill, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Dillon M. Juneau, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Marla Rae Dufour, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Transfer/Appointment of Lauren G. Flook, Family and Consumer Science teacher, from Marksville Elementary, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.


Appointment of Kyle A. Sarrazin, (TAT) Business teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


Appointment of Sheena R. Grote, Agriculture teacher, effective July 1, 2022 through December 21, 2022.          


Appointment of Mia M. Harper, (TAT) teacher, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


PUPIL APPRAISAL CENTER                                         Appointment of Catherine D. Tyler, (retired) part-time Early Interventionist, effective August 2, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Janine Mury, (retired) part-time Educational Diagnostician, effective July 19, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Karen Marquardt, part-time School Psychologist, effective July 19, 2022 through December 21, 2022.


                                                                                    Appointment of Madeline B. Riche, Speech Pathologist, effective August 2, 2022 through May 30, 2023.



CENTRAL OFFICE                                                        Resignation of Celeste Voinche, Supervisor of Elementary Education, effective at the end of the day June 30, 2022, for the purpose of retirement.



July 5, 2022


MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL                            Appointment of Contina A. Pierite, Interim Principal, effective July 5, 2022 through December 21, 2022, replacing Liza Jacobs while on leave.


Appointment of John T. Dunbar, Interim Administrative Assistant, effective July 19, 2022 through June 8, 2023, replacing Cindy Schaub while on leave.


14.        Board Member Robin Moreau addressed the Board for discussion of the lease between Who Have You Blessed and the Avoyelles Parish School Board.  Notice was received from the Chairman of the Board of Who Have You Blessed stating that they are terminating the lease effective tonight.  The Board, Maintenance Supervisor Steve Marcotte, and District Attorney Charles Riddle III will look into the legality of the termination, inspecting the premises, getting the keys back, etc. and report back at the next Building and Lands Committee Meeting.


15.        Superintendent’s Comments: Superintendent Karen L. Tutor reminded all Board members that the Regional LSBA Conference will be held July 24-26 in New Orleans.


16.        On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Latisha Small, the Board entered into Executive Session at approximately 6:21 p.m. to discuss Muscle Lake Road.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


            17.        On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board entered into Executive Session at approximately 6:21 p.m. to discuss Bunkie Detention Center. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Board reconvened in open public session at approximately 6:40 p.m.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        Regarding Item #16 – Muscle Lake Road:  On motion by Latisha Small, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board move forward with court proceedings to make this road public.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


                        Regarding Item #17 – Bunkie Detention Center:  On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Board authorized District Attorney Charles Riddle III to send a demand letter to the occupant of the facility to bring the past due rent current within 15 days of the date of the letter.  MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


There being no further business, on motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the meeting was adjourned.


                                                            AVOYELLES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD


                                                            Aimee Dupuy, President


                                                            Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent
