The Avoyelles Parish School Board met in regular session on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. at the School Board Office in Marksville, Louisiana, with the following members present:
Aimee Dupuy Chris Robinson, Latisha Small, Lynn Deloach, Keith Lacombe, Robin Moreau, Jay Callegari, Rickey Adams, and Jill Guidry.
Absent: None.
1. Swearing in of Board Members: District Attorney Charles A. Riddle III administered the oath of office to all Board members for a four-year term.
2. Superintendent Karen Tutor presented a plaque to outgoing President Aimee Dupuy and outgoing Vice President Chris Robinson for their service and dedication to the Board for the period January 11, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
3. Superintendent Karen Tutor advised the Board that the terms for the office of President and Vice President of the Avoyelles Parish School Board have expired. She then called for nominations for the office of President.
Board member Lynn Deloach placed the name of Robin Moreau in nomination for the office of President.
Board member Latisha Small placed the name of Chris Robinson in nomination for the office of President.
Board member Rickey Adams moved that nominations for the office of President be closed. The motion was seconded by Aimee Dupuy. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Superintendent Tutor requested that the Board members cast their votes.
Board members who voted for Robin Moreau: Lynn Deloach, Keith Lacombe, Robin Moreau, Rickey Adams, Jill Guidry, and Aimee Dupuy.
Board members who voted for Chris Robinson: Latisha Small, Jay Callegari, and Chris Robinson.
By a vote of 6-3, Robin Moreau was declared President of the Board for the 2023 calendar year.
An Invocation was offered by Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Secondary Education.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by President Robin Moreau.
4. President Robin Moreau called for nominations for the office of Vice President.
Board member Jill Guidry placed the name of Rickey Adams in nomination for the office of Vice President.
No other nominations were made.
Board member Aimee Dupuy moved that nominations for the office of Vice President be closed. The motion was seconded by Jill Guidry. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
By a unanimous vote, Rickey Adams was declared Vice President of the Board for the 2023 calendar year.
5. Superintendent Karen Tutor addressed the Board with a proclamation declaring January 2023 as School Board Members Recognition Month.
6. On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board adopted the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, as printed and mailed to Board members and published in The Weekly News, official journal of the Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
7. A. Board Vice President Rickey Adams read a resolution of respect to the late Eric Gormsen, Jr., retired principal.
On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Eric Gormsen, Jr., retired principal. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
B. Board Member Latisha Small read a resolution of respect to the late Colonel Charles Bernard Jones, retired principal.
On motion by Latisha Small, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board adopted the resolution of respect to the late Colonel Charles Bernard Jones, retired principal.
8. Superintendent Karen Tutor recognized the Students of the Month for December, 2022. Superintendent Tutor presented a plaque to each student. Also, each Board member read a short biography detailing the accomplishments of each student.
The Students of the Month at each school are as follows:
Damani Brown, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Tylor Williams, Cottonport Elementary School; Kenley Dupuis, Lafargue Elementary School; Bella Laborde, Marksville Elementary School; Landon Couvillon, Plaucheville Elementary School; Savannah Stewart, Riverside Elementary School; Decareyn Sampson, Avoyelles High School; Rylee Andress, Bunkie Magnet High School; Caroline Spencer, Louisiana School for the Agricultural Sciences; and Aiden Jacobs, Marksville High School.
On behalf of the Board, President Robin Moreau commended the students on this outstanding achievement.
9. Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater recognized the Teachers of the Month for December, 2022. She commended the teachers for their dedication, and Superintendent Tutor presented a plaque to each teacher, as follows:
Ruby Hawkins, Bunkie Elementary Learning Academy; Kayla Landry, Cottonport Elementary School; Joshua Timothy, Lafargue Elementary School; Lori Boudreaux, Marksville Elementary School; Kristin Hukins, Plaucheville Elementary School; Sherry Reech, Riverside Elementary School; Hali Wanersdorfer, Avoyelles High School; Katelyn Hillman, Bunkie Magnet High School; Julie Humble, Louisiana School for the Agricultural Sciences; and Daniel Murphy, Marksville High School.
On behalf of the Board, President Robin Moreau commended the teachers on this outstanding achievement.
10. Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater addressed the Board with a recommendation to approve a contract with Canopy Ed, funded by REAL Grant.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Board approved the contract with Canopy Ed, funded by REAL Grant, not to exceed $315,000. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
11. Superintendent Karent Tutor addressed the Board with a recommendation to participate in a class action lawsuit regarding vaping.
On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board deferred the issue of a class action lawsuit regarding vaping to the Executive Committee for further discussion and consideration. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
12. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Board regarding a General Fund Budget revision.
On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board approved the General Fund Budget revision. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
13. Steve Marcotte, Supervisor of Maintenance, addressed the Board with a request to readvertise bidding of the FFA Camp for Borrel Engineering since no bids were received.
On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Keith Lacombe, the Board granted approval to readvertise the FFA Camp for Borrel Engineering for bids. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
14. Board Member Chris Robinson addressed the Board regarding alternate bus practices for students.
On motion by Chris Robinson, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board granted approval to put the alternate bus practices for students into the Student Handbook. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
15. Committee Reports
(a) Lynn Deloach, Chairman of the Education Committee, presented the following report:
December 20, 2022
The Education Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Lynn Deloach, Chairman; Chris Robinson, Rickey Adams; Aimee Dupuy, President; Karen Tutor, Superintendent; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent. Committee members Latisha Small and Rickey Adams were absent. Also present were Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr. and Jill Guidry, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.
1. Principals addressed the Education Committee with reports on School Performance Scores.
The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.
2. Superintendent Karen Tutor addressed the Education Committee with the 2nd Semester Project Plan.
The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.
3. Dexter Compton, Supervisor of Instruction, addressed the Education Committee with an update on the ROTC Program.
The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.
4. Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor, addressed the Education Committee with an update on Crime Stoppers and RAVE Panic Button.
The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.
5. President Aimee Dupuy addressed the Education Committee with a clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the APSB Advisor Student Council.
The Education Committee did not take any action on this matter.
The Education Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Lynn Deloach, Chairman
Education Committee
On motion by Lynn Deloach, seconded by Rickey Adams, the Board adopted the Education Committee Report as presented by Chairman Deloach. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(b) Board Member Jay Callegari presented the following report:
December 20, 2022
The Executive Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 6:01 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman; Jill Guidry, Robin Moreau, Lynn Deloach; Aimee Dupuy, President; Karen Tutor, Superintendent; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent. Also present was Chris Robinson, Board Member; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.
1. Superintendent Karen Tutor addressed the Executive Committee with a request to reschedule the March 7, 2023 Board meeting to March 14, 2023 due to the LSBA Annual Convention.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the request to reschedule the March 7, 2023 Board meeting to March 14, 2023. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
2. Wendy Marchand, Curriculum Supervisor, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the 2022-2023 Pupil Progression Plan Addendum.
On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the 2022-2023 Pupil Progression Plan Addendum. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
3. Wendy Marchand, Curriculum Supervisor, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the Effective School Grant through the Orchard Foundation in the amount of $125,000.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the Effective School Grant through the Orchard Foundation in the amount of $125,000. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
4. Dawn Pitre, Supervisor of Special Services, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the enrichment/supplemental program FairView Learning, LLC, in the amount of $6,452.32 to be funded by IDEA.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the enrichment/supplemental program FairView Learning, LLC, in the amount of $6,452.32 to be funded by IDEA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
5. Dawn Pitre, Supervisor of Special Services, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the renewal agreement for News to You/Unique in the amount of $15,854.58 to be funded by IDEA.
On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the renewal agreement for News to You/Unique in the amount of $15,854.58 to be funded by IDEA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
6. Dawn Pitre, Supervisor of Special Services, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the contract between Bailey Education Group, LLC and the Avoyelles Parish School Board in the amount of $47,250 to be funded by IDEA 611 ARP.
On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the contract between Bailey Education Group, LLC and the Avoyelles Parish School Board in the amount $47,250 to be funded by IDEA 611 ARP. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
7. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the Laserfiche annual renewal between MCCI and the Avoyelles Parish School Board in the amount of $23,331.00.
On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Lynn Deloach, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the Laserfiche annual renewal between MCCI and the Avoyelles Parish School Board in the amount of $23,331.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
8. Superintendent Tutor addressed the Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve the Interagency Agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Town of Bunkie for a land swap.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Robin Moreau, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the Interagency Agreement between the Avoyelles Parish School Board and the Town of Bunkie for a land swap. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
9. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Executive Committee with a request to readvertise bidding for a new F-150 one-half ton pickup truck or equivalent, as per attached specification, for central office mail and freight deliveries.
On motion by Robin Moreau, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Executive Committee recommended to approve the request to readvertise bidding for a new F-150 one-half ton pickup truck or equivalent, as per attached specification, for central office mail and freight deliveries. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Executive Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Stanley Celestine, Jr., Chairman
Executive Committee
On motion by Jay Callegari, seconded by Jill Guidry, the Board adopted the Executive Committee Report as presented by Board Member Callegari. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(c) President Robin Moreau, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented the following report:
December 20, 2022
The Finance Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at approximately 6:12 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Robin Moreau, Chairman; Stanley Celestine, Jr., Jill Guidry; Aimee Dupuy, President; Karen Tutor, Superintendent; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent. Committee member Rickey Adams was absent. Also present were Lynn Deloach and Chris Robinson, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.
1. Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor, presented an actual sales tax report for the month of November, 2022. She stated that sales tax collections totaled $899,048.84. Mrs. Rachal said that of this amount, the 1% sales tax generated $513,742.90, the 0.25% sales tax generated $128,435.40, and the building and maintenance fund generated $256,871.15.
2. Chairman Robin Moreau presented the monthly maintenance report on expenditures for the committee’s review.
The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.
3. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Finance Committee with a monthly General Fund 2022-2023 Year-to-Date Report with Comparisons and General Fund Budget Revision.
The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.
4. Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance, addressed the Finance Committee with a report on Needs Assessment from 2021-2022.
The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.
5. Superintendent Karen Tutor addressed the Finance Committee for discussion on performance pay to former employees.
The Finance Committee did not take any action on this matter.
6. Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater addressed the Finance Committee with requests for overnight travel.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Stanley Celestine, Jr., the Finance Committee recommended to approve the overnight travel requests. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
The Finance Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Robin Moreau, Chairman
Finance Committee
On motion by Aimee Dupuy, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board adopted the Finance Committee Report as presented by Chairman Moreau. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(d) Jill Guidry, Chairperson of the Building and Lands Committee, presented the following report:
December 20, 2022
The Building and Lands Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at approximately 6:41 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Jill Guidry, Chairperson; Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr.; Aimee Dupuy, President; Karen Tutor, Superintendent; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent. Committee member Chris Lacour was absent. Also present were Lynn Deloach and Chris Robinson, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors and coordinators.
1. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee with a recommendation to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Borrel Engineering for the LaSAS parking lot, funded by LaSAS Funds.
On motion by Stanley Celestine, Jr., seconded by Robin Moreau, the Building and Lands Committee recommended to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Borrel Engineering for the LaSAS parking lot, funded by LaSAS Funds. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
2. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee with the bid opening report of the FFA Camp for Borrel Engineering. No bids were received.
The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.
3. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee with the bid opening report for the sale of used school buses. No bids were received.
The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.
4. Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor, addressed the Building and Lands Committee with a Johnson Controls report of Energy Management Savings.
The Building and Lands Committee did not take any action on this matter.
The Building and Lands Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Jill Guidry, Chairperson
Building and Lands Committee
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board adopted the Building and Lands Committee Report as presented by Chairperson Guidry. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
(e) Vice President Rickey Adams, Chairman of the Bus Committee, presented the following report:
December 20, 2022
The Bus Committee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board met on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at approximately 6:54 p.m. at the School Board Office with the following members present:
Chris Robinson; Aimee Dupuy, President; Karen Tutor, Superintendent; and Thelma Prater, Assistant Superintendent. Chairman Rickey Adams as well as Committee members Latisha Small and Chris Lacour were absent. Also present were Lynn Deloach, Robin Moreau, Stanley Celestine, Jr. and Jill Guidry, Board Members; Mary Bonnette, Director of Finance; Jessica Rachal, Sales Tax Supervisor; Brent Whiddon, Transportation Supervisor; Steve Marcotte, Maintenance Supervisor; other supervisors, coordinators, and principals.
There were not enough committee members present to constitute a quorum.
The Bus Committee respectfully recommends the adoption of this report.
Rickey Adams, Chairman
Bus Committee
On motion by Rickey Adams, seconded by Chris Robinson, the Board adopted the Bus Committee Report as presented by Chairman Adams. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
16. Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater addressed the Board for approval of overnight travel requests.
On motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Aimee Dupuy, the Board approved the requests for overnight travel as presented by Assistant Superintendent Prater. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
17. Assistant Superintendent Thelma Prater presented personnel changes for the Board’s review.
BUNKIE ELEMENTARY LEARNING ACADEMY Appointment of Phyllis Morris, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2022 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Patricia Riche, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Joseph G. Head, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Mary P. Robillard, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Katelyn Lavalais, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Peggy Joshua, (retired) Kindergarten teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Sandra A. Smith, (retired) Kindergarten teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Ruby Hawkins, (retired) Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Summer B. Jackson, teacher, effective January 10, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Charlotte M. Kyle, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Brandi L. Williams, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Tomika T. Simmons, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Haley L. Demars, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Keonte R. Wells (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Joel V. Desselle, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Mallory C. Lemoine, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Erica M. Tucker, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Angelique M. Wilson, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Linda P. Carpenter (retired) Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Sharon Smott, (TAT) Special Education Pre-K teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Resignation of Natasha Roy Yelverton, teacher, effective at the end of the day December 21, 2022.
LAFARGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Allie M. Dunn, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Leah D. Ducote, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
MARKSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Brittany D. Bordelon teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Lauren Ducote, (retired) teacher, effective January 25, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Judy G. Rivers, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Kayla M. Lachney, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Lindsey E. Gagnard, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of MySherie A. Johnson, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Shantel B. Massey, (TAT) Autism teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Elydia F. Hill, special education paraprofessional, effective January 5, 2023.
PLAUCHEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Avery O. Lemoine, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Sara L. Ducote, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Rachael M. Martin, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Jessica L. Alexander, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Mandy L. Guillory, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Tammy L. Nation, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Resignation of Alyce Bonnette, teacher, effective November 7, 2022.
Resignation of Lauren Moulard, paraprofessional, effective January 3, 2023.
Resignation of Carrie Ardoin, teacher, effective January 6, 2023.
RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Courtney L. Gagnard, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Devin M. Davis, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Amber V. Bordelon (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Aslyn M. Dennie, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Yvonne Bassett, (retired) Title I CSR teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Shawnita Scott, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Resignation of George G. Hathorn, (retired) teacher, effective at the end of the day December 21, 2022.
AVOYELLES HIGH SCHOOL Appointment of Marion K. Lemoine, (retired) part-time teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Kathy M. Lemoine, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Lyndsey M. Juneau, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Melissa N. Mayeux, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Taylor K. Lambert, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Chet A. Broussard (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Allyn E. Ducote, Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Resignation of Andrew Boone, teacher, effective at the end of the day January 6, 2023.
Resignation of Justus Boone, teacher, effective at the end of the day January 6, 2023.
BUNKIE MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL Appointment of David E. Dyson, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Debra F. Leblanc, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Elizabeth A. Willis, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of McKenzie Bienvenu, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Reagan V. Lemoine, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Misty Blanchard, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Carli A. Smith, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Morgan B. Primeaux, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Amber M. Buckhalter, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Robert W. Robinson, Jr., (TAT) Business teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Diana Sheppard, (retired) Special Education Mild Moderate teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Cherrie Callahan, (retired) Special Education Self Contained teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Willie U. Garner, special education paraprofessional, effective December 7, 2022.
Appointment of James R. Hawkins, Jr., custodian, effective December 2, 2022.
Appointment of Carmen B. Cook, special education paraprofessional, effective January 5, 2023.
Transfer/Appointment of Jimmie R. Hillman, from Marksville High, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Resignation of Courtney Davis, food service technician, effective at the end of the day December 16, 2022.
Resignation of Nicholas Craig Pujol, teacher, effective at the end of the day January 4, 2023.
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Appointment of Anthony D. Jeansonne, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Bonnie Leduc, (retired) Business teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Angela N. Deville, (retired) Special Education Content Mastery teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
MARKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Appointment of Brandon J. Speer, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Micki H. Johnson, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Ritchie C. Johnson, teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Rebecca E. Quick, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Morgan T. Thornhill, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Dillon M. Juneau, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Marla Rae Dufour, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Mia M. Harper, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Phillip C. Augustine, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Logan R. Cheek, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Tucker Dauzat, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Khalil A. Roy, (TAT) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Emile Celestine, (retired) teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Kyle A. Sarrazin, Business teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Yogesh Patel, Special Education Content Mastery teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Transfer/Appointment of Jonathan M. Landry, from Avoyelles High, Business teacher, effective January 5, 2023.
PROGRAM (AVAP) Appointment of Craig W. Foster, (retired) Guidance Counselor/ELA teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through June 9, 2023.
PUPIL APPRAISAL Appointment of Catherine D. Tyler, (retired) part-time Early Interventionist teacher, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Appointment of Janine S. Mury, (retired) part-time Educational Diagnostician, effective January 5, 2023 through June 9, 2023.
Resignation of Sherrie Hodnett, Homebound teacher, effective January 6, 2023, for the purpose of retirement.
COTTONPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Brandy N. Laprairie, (TAT) special education resource 1-3 teacher, effective January 10, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Appointment of Rashad A. Qaasim, In-School Suspension paraprofessional, effective January 5, 2023.
PUPIL APPRAISAL CENTER Change appointment status of Catherine D. Tyler, (retired), to 50% Early Interventionist, effective January 5, 2023 through May 30, 2023, and 50% homebound special education teacher, effective January 10, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
18. Superintendent’s Comments: Superintendent Karen Tutor announced that the Parent/Family Engagement Fair will be held on Thursday, January 19, at the Mari Center from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Superintendent Tutor reported that the Needs Assessment Committee will be meeting in the spring to allocate funds for this year. This money will be equitably distributed among all ten schools. Board members serving on the committee this year will be Chris Robinson, Lynn Deloach, and Keith Lacombe. Principals are to begin compiling their list of requests now for projects needing completion before August at their respective schools. Superintendent Tutor was proud to announce that a fully funded grant from The Orchard Foundation in the amount of $2.5 million has been awarded to Riverside Elementary School and Plaucheville Elementary School. Superintendent Tutor notified everyone that the following meeting dates have been changed: The February Committee Meetings will be held on February 28 beginning at 4:30 pm, the March regular meeting will be held on March 14 at 5:00 pm, and the April regular meeting will be held on April 11 at 5:00 pm. Superintendent Tutor clarified that the Canopy Ed Grant mentioned earlier in this meeting is for tutoring of Pre-K through 3rd grade students. Our teachers will be asked to apply for tutoring positions, with a ratio of one teacher per three students. Lastly, Superintendent Tutor spoke about bonuses to former teachers who have left the school system. She and central office staff are researching this issue back to its origin and will present their findings upon completion.
There being no further business, on motion by Jill Guidry, seconded by Chris Robinson, the meeting was adjourned.
Robin Moreau, President
Karen L. Tutor, Superintendent