The Avoyelles Parish School Board recognizes the use of social media as a preferred means of communication in today’s society. Social media is defined as the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media includes any form of online publication or presence that allows interactive communication, including, but not limited to, social networks, blogs, websites and online forums. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr. Any official use of social media shall promote effective and efficient communication between the Avoyelles Parish Schools and the community.
Avoyelles Parish Schools shall maintain central public social media accounts, designed to share general news and information with the local community, employees, students and their families. Schools, under the guidance of the Superintendent and administrative staff, may choose to maintain their own school-specific social media accounts.
Employees who manage or contribute to official Avoyelles Parish Schools social media accounts shall be expected to represent the Avoyelles Parish Schools professionally, as ambassadors to the general community. Employees should post information that is useful and appropriate for public consumption. Additionally, employees should refrain from posting any personal or political viewpoints or derogatory language on Avoyelles Parish Schools social media accounts.
Employees shall be encouraged to maintain a positive and friendly tone on Avoyelles Parish Schools social media accounts.
Employees shall respect copyright and fair use guidelines when posting content on Avoyelles Parish Schools social media accounts. Photos of students may only be posted if they are appropriate under current parent media consent forms.
Avoyelles Parish Schools reserve the right to delete any comments with foul language, abusive information, or inappropriate information from Avoyelles Parish Schools social media accounts, and to block subscribers who are abusive to employees or other social media users.
Social media can be a powerful teaching tool that can add great value to classroom instruction. Teachers shall be encouraged to use social media tools when appropriate in advancing educational goals in the classroom.
Employees who are considering using social media in the classroom shall follow these guidelines:
The employee’s immediate supervisor shall be informed when creating social networks for classroom use.
Parents shall be informed of the social media tools being used, how their children are being contacted online, and the expectations for appropriate behavior.
Clear rules and expectations shall be established, as well as a code of conduct for all participants in order to create an atmosphere of respect, trust, and clear professional boundaries.
The rules and guidelines set by the social media site shall be followed.
The social media network shall be treated like a classroom. Employees shall closely monitor interactions between students and address inappropriate use immediately.
A student's personally identifiable information is not to be used on social media networks.
These guidelines should serve as a reference tool for employees to guide decisions about use of social media. The decision to use social media tools brings a certain level of risk both personally and professionally, especially if social media is used without the appropriate level of discretion and intent.
Avoyelles Parish Schools respect an employee’s participation in social media for personal use on personal time. If, however, employees choose to do so, employees shall adhere to the following guidelines:
All rules established by the social media provider, including age requirements, profile restrictions, etc., shall be followed.
Employees shall be aware that even with the most stringent privacy settings, photos, videos, messages and comments can make their way into the public domain. When posting online about school, students, families or the Avoyelles Parish Schools, staff should remember that all comments and postings could be seen publicly. Private communication published online can easily become public. Caution must be used when posting any comment and/or images online that may reflect negatively on a person’s professional image.
“Tagging” photos of other Avoyelles Parish Schools employees, volunteers, contractors or vendors without the prior permission of the individuals being tagged shall be prohibited.
Employees shall communicate with families and students only through Avoyelles Parish Schools-provided devices on Avoyelles Parish Schools systems.
Employees should not “friend”, “follow” or otherwise interact with students from personal social media accounts.
Employees should avoid communicating with families regarding school or Avoyelles Parish Schools-related matters through personal social media accounts or websites.
Employees should avoid posting or disclosing confidential information, pictures or schoolwork on personal social media sites or websites. Employees should remember that any parental consents apply only to Avoyelles Parish Schools-sanctioned sites and profiles, not personal social media profiles.
Employees must report to their supervisor, at the first opportunity available, any student-initiated communication that may be construed as inappropriate.
An employee who identifies himself/herself as an employee of the Avoyelles Parish School Board on personal social media profiles shall be mindful that any content associated with his/her profile should be consistent with the mission and policies of the School Board. Otherwise, the employee’s use of social media interferes with the employee’s ability to effectively perform his/her responsibilities, and the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employees shall maintain professional relationships with students at all times, in accordance with policies GAMIA, Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students, and GBRA, Employee Conduct. All electronic communications with students who are currently enrolled in public schools under the jurisdiction of the Avoyelles Parish School Board shall be school-related, and within the scope of the employee’s professional responsibilities, unless otherwise authorized under School Board policy.
School Board personnel shall monitor online activities of employees who access the Internet using school technological resources. Additionally, the Superintendent or designee may periodically conduct public Internet searches to determine if an employee has engaged in conduct that violates this policy. Any employee who has been found by the Superintendent to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The Superintendent shall establish and communicate to employees guidelines that are consistent with this policy.
New policy: February 7, 2023
Ref: U.S. Constitution, Amend. I
17 USC 101 et seq. (Copyrights)
18 USC 2510-2522 (Electronic Communications Privacy Act)
20 USC 1232g (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
20 USC 7131 (Internet Safety)
47 USC 254 (Children’s Internet Protection Act)
Board minutes, 2-7-23
Avoyelles Parish School Board