The Avoyelles Parish School Board is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana and as such is entrusted with care of thousands of children ranging from ages 3 through adulthood. The State and United States governments requires School Boards to maintain an environment that is devoid of inappropriate conduct or communications in any form involving employer-employee, employee-student, or any other combination of these relationships.
It is the policy of the School Board that any inappropriate conduct or communications involving any of the relationships identified above, or any combination thereof on Avoyelles Parish School Board property during school hours or official school functions shall be considered conduct subject to disciplinary action by the School Board or its representative. It shall be a violation for any member of the Avoyelles Parish Public Schools staff to disrespect another staff member or student through inappropriate conduct or communications.
Each administrator shall be responsible for enforcing the conduct required herein.
Inappropriate conduct or communications shall refer to willful neglect of duty by the use of demeaning remarks and/or actions relating to an individual's ethnicity, gender or personal characteristics.
Any person who alleges inappropriate conduct or communications by an employee in the school district may use the procedure detailed in the Avoyelles Parish School Board complaint procedure or may complain to his/her immediate supervisor and/or building principal. Filing a grievance or otherwise reporting inappropriate conduct or communications shall not reflect upon the individual's status, nor shall any reprisals of any kind be taken by the School Board or the school administration against any individual because of his/her complaint.
The intent of the code of conduct for school personnel is to protect and balance the rights of all parties involved. The right to confidentiality for both the accuser and the accused shall be respected consistent with the school district's legal obligations.
A substantiated charge of inappropriate conduct or communications against an employee shall be thoroughly investigated and documented, and decisions will be based on the individual circumstances of the case.
A substantiated charge of inappropriate conduct or communications against an employee or student in the school district shall subject that staff member to disciplinary action which may include a written and/or verbal reprimand; suspension without pay; and up to and including tenure hearing/termination.
The code of conduct for school personnel shall be dispersed to all school personnel of the Avoyelles Parish School Board and incorporated in the Personnel Evaluation Plan. The School Board will mandate an annual in-service education program for all district school personnel to ensure the effective implementation of the code of conduct for school personnel. In addition, all new employees will be provided with a copy of the code of conduct school personnel when they are first hired.
Ref: Board minutes, 1-18-05
Avoyelles Parish School Board