The teaching and learning experiences of students can be greatly facilitated by the availability of varied and appropriate teaching aids.  A lack of these materials of instruction may limit the resourcefulness of a teacher and may at times prohibit learning activities altogether.  Materials used in providing the vicarious experiences for students are practically limitless and ever expanding.


The Avoyelles Parish School Board shall provide for its elementary and high school instructional materials and equipment which shall be appropriate in kind and amount to facilitate instruction and the achievement of quality in all areas of work and study within the educational program.


  1. Instructional materials and equipment shall be appropriate and in such quantity as to make possible the achievement of the philosophy and purposes of the educational program of the school.

  2. Each school shall be provided with up-to-date textbook materials for each student and shall have proper procedures for their selection, storage and preservation, as sufficient funds become available.

  3. The library of each school shall have an up-to-date growing collection to meet the needs and interests of faculty and students.  The library shall reflect the philosophy and purposes of the school, and it shall relate directly to the educational program and the teaching techniques used by the teaching staff.  It shall, at the same time, provide an opportunity to explore beyond the sphere of school activities.

  4. Each school shall have in its library center appropriate and adequate books and other resource materials.

  5. Each school shall be provided with audiovisual instructional equipment and related audiovisual materials so that a wide variety of instructional uses can be continuously and effectively made at all appropriate times by the staff.

  6. Each school shall have in the student guidance and counseling area or library center, guidance materials to aid students in their educational, vocational, personal, social, health, and civic development.

  7. All in instructional materials and equipment shall be kept in a good state of repair and provisions shall be made to replace out­dated instructional materials and worn-out equipment.




A parent of a child attending a public elementary or secondary school shall be entitled to access to instructional materials as provided by law.  A parent shall be entitled to:


  1. Review instructional materials used by or administered to the parent's child.

  2. Review any survey before the survey is administered or distributed by a school to a student.


The Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall develop and maintain pertinent administrative regulations and procedures governing parental access to instructional materials.  At a minimum, such regulations and procedures shall specify reasonable hours for review, that instructional materials shall be provided upon reasonable request of the parent, and reasonable and customary fees for copying of material(s) requested.  Nothing shall prohibit or interfere with the parent making his/her own copies on school premises using any mobile or other device.


For the purpose of this policy:


Instructional materials means content that conveys the knowledge or skills of a subject in the school curriculum through a medium or a combination of media for conveying information to a student.  It also includes any nonsecure test, nonsecure assessment, or survey administered to a student.  The term also includes books, supplementary materials, teaching aids, computer software, magnetic media, DVD, CD-ROM, computer courseware, online material, information, or services, or an electronic medium or other means of conveying information to the student or otherwise contributing to the learning process.


Parent means the parent or legal guardian of a child.


Survey means any evaluative instrument or questionnaire that is not an assessment of academic knowledge, skills, or abilities, administered as part of a state, national, or international assessment or by itself.


Revised:  January 5, 2016



Ref:    Constitution of Louisiana, Art. VIII, §13

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:355

Board minutes, 1-5-16


Avoyelles Parish School Board