The Avoyelles Parish School Board requires that all parents, legal guardians, or custodians of all students be informed at regular intervals on the progress of their children.  The School Board will also encourage the administration and staff to work together to improve methods for evaluating children's progress and develop more meaningful ways to report achievement to parents.  Individual schools shall make additional reports to the parent or legal guardian of a student when, in the opinion of the principal and professional staff members, the situation warrants such reports.  Such situations may include, but are not limited to, outstanding academic achievement, outstanding citizenship, poor academic performance and continuing inappropriate behavior.


The School Board recognizes that the parents of a child enrolled in the public schools are entitled to be informed of the child's progress.  The School Board is also aware that because of legal separation and divorce, the parent may not have legal and physical custody of their child and, therefore, may not receive information as to the child's educational progress. It is therefore the policy of the Avoyelles Parish School Board that upon the request of a non-custodial parent, the parent shall be provided notice of parent-teacher conferences and of report cards concerning their child.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81

Board minutes, 3-17-81


Avoyelles Parish School Board