Cf:  JD





The purpose of the Avoyelles Parish School Board (APSB) Virtual Instruction/Discipline Addendum is to clarify expectations for student's conduct in the virtual classroom and to provide notice of the possible consequences of in appropriate conduct in the virtual classroom.


Regardless of the model of instruction, student conduct is governed at all times by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:416 and the Student Code of Conduct. Conduct that is unacceptable in the physical classroom is, under most circumstances, equally unacceptable in the virtual classroom.  While students and parents normally have an expectation of privacy in their home, conduct that occurs in front of a camera and in view of peers and teachers in the virtual classroom may subject students to disciplinary action.


Avoyelles Parish School Board delivers distance education both as an option for parents who are not comfortable sending their child to school and in times when students/teachers can not physically interact in person in the traditional classroom setting.  Learning will be delivered online both synchronously (through live lessons with real time interaction) and asynchronously (through online channels without real time interaction).  By choosing virtual instruction, parents/guardians will do so understanding that students must participate in all live instruction that is offered in real time.  Upon registering for participation in the APSB Virtual Program, parents/guardians and students will agree to abide by the APSB Student Handbook, APSB Virtual Instruction/Discipline Addendum, and policy JD, Discipline.  Virtual instruction is defined by statute as "instruction provided to a student through an electronic delivery medium, including but not limited to electronic learning platforms."  Parent/Guardian and Students are to pick up any materials from school that will be needed to complete their online work.


To be accepted to the APSB Virtual Program, guardians must apply within the application period and be approved for admission into the program by their home school principal.


Section 1: Student Expectations




Students/parents/guardians will communicate with the school within two school days about technology and internet needs.  Once the guardian enrolls a student into the APSB Virtual Program, both the guardian and student are expected to adhere to established timelines for due assignments regardless of whether the device is issued by the Avoyelles Parish School Board or provided by the guardian and grades will be issued accordingly.


Section 2: Technology Platform



Section 3:  APSB Issued Devices



Section 4:  Network Connectivity



Section 5:  Communication


All students will communicate using an Avoyelles Parish School Board issued email address with their teachers when there are questions.  If technology is the issue, then students or parents must call the school within two school days of knowing about the technology issue.  If a student fails to complete an assignment and there was no communication, then the student shall earn a failing grade for the assignment.


Section 6:  Class participation


  1. Students are expected to interact with all of the material provided.

  2. Students are expected to use the links provided in order to complete items that are assigned.

  3. It is very important to understand that online work is just as important as in person work.

  4. Students should utilize links set up by teachers to ask questions during Google Meets.

  5. It is required that students participate in all synchronous (live) instruction online in real time daily and in asynchronous instruction daily.  All APSB attendance and grading policies will be applicable including taking of attendance at the beginning and end of each live session.

  6. It is expected that students keep interactions online positive and constructive.

  7. Students are expected to check their APSB email daily.


Section 7:  Grading


Online assignments and material are given the same weight as they would during face-to-face instruction (p. 34-37 APSB Student Handbook).


Students caught cheating and/or plagiarizing materials will earn a zero, or partial credit as determined by the teacher for those assignments.


Section 8:  Testing and Exams


Guardians must ensure that the student has ample time to complete his/her test when they start online, as students may not be able to start over once the test has begun. Students should read all directions as they would a regular test to ensure understanding of what they are supposed to do.  If there are technical difficulties, take a screenshot of the problem so that the teacher can be notified immediately.  Students should double check that they have completed all assignments before beginning as they may only have one chance to submit the test.


Parents/Guardians are only allowed to assist with technology issues and proctor exams.  Only students are allowed to complete exams and/or assignments.


As per the Louisiana Board of Education and Secondary Education (BESE) testing policy, all virtual students must report to school for standardized testing as assigned by the child's school.


Section 9:  Google Meet Guidelines


Google Meets are a way for students to interact with their teacher while distance learning.  Students and parents/guardians, typically, have a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to what takes place in their home outside of the view of teachers and peers in the virtual classroom.  These Meets are set up for specific times and a link will be available.


While participating in online learning, students must adhere to the following:


  1. Students are to abide by all applicable APSB rules and regulations as referenced in APSB policy (Reference the Avoyelles Parish Student Handbook and Guide for policies).

  2. Students must abide by the school system's policy IFBGA, Technology Usage - Students Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Technology, Internet and Network Use.

  3. Students must have school appropriate dress at all times; however, it is not required that students be in school uniform.  Students must be dressed in a way that it does not distract from the virtual learning process.  Inappropriate attire including but not limited to the following are prohibited:  Pajamas or clothing that is transparent or overly revealing, clothing with profanity; derogatory terms; racial slurs; or sexual content. **Dress appropriate on a "Free Dress Day" at school can be used as a guide for appropriate dress expectations.

  4. Student's camera must be turned on when in a Google Meet session.

  5. Use professional and polite language during a Google Meet.

  6. Attempt to keep all background noise and distractions to a minimum.  Always be aware of your surroundings during a Google Meet and make sure surroundings are appropriate for Google Meet participation.

  7. Mute the microphone when the teacher is teaching, and use the chat box for questions.

  8. Promptly exit the meeting when it is over, the teacher is the first one on, and the last one off of the meeting.

  9. Only accept Google Meet invitations from school staff.

  10. Give your best effort while participating.


Section 10:  Meeting Needs for IEP accommodations/504 Accommodations


Accommodations for Students with IEP/504 Plans will be determined individually according to their plans.


Section 11:  Discipline


Students should refrain from engaging in any of the behaviors identified as inappropriate in the Avoyelles Student Handbook and Guide while engaged in virtual schooling.  The Avoyelles Parish School District has extended its normal behavior guidelines to the virtual classroom with a few modifications that factor in the home setting to include protection of student's constitutional rights while engaged in virtual instruction (Refer to Avoyelles Parish Student Handbook and Guide).


Behavior that could result in disciplinary actions for online students include but are not limited to cyberbullying, wearing inappropriate clothing, inappropriate use of electronic media, threats, and intentional disturbance of an online class.


  1. Possible corrective strategies may include student/parent/guardian conferences, written behavior contract, school specific intervention, out of school suspension (exclusions from Google Meets), and/or the removal of the opportunity to participate in the virtual program.

  2. Expulsion recommendations will be reserved for serious discipline infractions but none that violate a student's constitutional rights in a home setting.

  3. All APSB accounts and Internet is filtered and monitored at all times.  If the Internet filters notify APSB of inappropriate content created or saved on the student's account, the action will be disciplined according to APSB policy, as deemed appropriate as dictated in the Avoyelles Parish Student Handbook and Guide.

  4. Please be advised that conduct in the virtual classroom related to the display or handling of weapons or drugs, or other conduct that raises legitimate concerns about the safety and welfare of a student, must be reported immediately to the School Principal and/or School Resource Officer in order to assess whether the matter must be reported to local law enforcement and/or the Department of Children and Family Services.


Section 12:  Truancy


  1. APSB attendance policies apply to virtual instruction.

  2. Truancy charges will be filed should a student become truant based upon the minimum number of minutes a child must attend school according to compulsory attendance laws.

  3. Students accepted to the virtual program will be accepted for the entire school year.  Students will not be able to return to in-person instruction during a school year.


Approved:  December 15, 2020

Revised:  April 6, 2021



Ref:    Board minutes, 12-15-20, 4-6-21


Avoyelles Parish School Board