Cf:  JDE





When a student has committed an offense which may involve a recommendation of expulsion to made, the following pre-expulsion procedures shall be followed:


  1. An initial investigation shall be conducted with due process provided to all students involved.

  2. After a determination has been made from the initial investigation, sanctions shall be initiated as soon as possible.  If the sanction includes recommending expulsion, inform the student of the decision.

  3. Parents shall be called to advise them of the recommendation for expulsion and allow them to know why and how the decision was made.  If it is possible, this may also be done in a parent meeting.

  4. Provide parents with the Assigned to AVAP form provided to you.  This form shall inform the parent of the student’s assignment to AVAP in order for educational services to continue.  Parent(s) and/or student(s) shall sign the form and a copy shall be maintained at the school.

  5. Within two (2) days, a letter of notification shall be mailed to the parents by certified mail. The letter must include the date, time and location of the expulsion hearing as well as the offense committed by the student.  If for some reason reasonable notification to the parent is not provided, the Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor shall be contacted to reschedule the expulsion hearing.

  6. The letter should also include the school’s contact information in order to call to reschedule the expulsion if the date/time conflicts with the parent’s schedule. 

  7. The green receipt card from the certified mail should be returned by the post office before the expulsion hearing.  The green receipt card should be included in the packet in preparation for the hearing.

  8. The day before the hearing, the parents should be contacted as a reminder of the pending hearing.


It is imperative that these steps be followed to ensure proper notification to parents for AVAP assignment and for the date/time of the expulsion hearing.   If at any time, reasonable notification has not been conducted, the hearing will be postponed until the notification may be delivered in a timely manner.


New procedure:  November 1, 2011

Revised:  March 6, 2012



Ref:    Board minutes, 11-1-11, 3-6-12


Avoyelles Parish School Board