The Avoyelles Parish School Board may permit the use of inmates on school premises but only in the following circumstances: 


  1. No use of inmates shall be allowed between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the school year where students are present. Inmate use during the school year may occur after 4:30 p.m. and on weekends to cut grass or perform other services.  Inmates shall at all times be under proper supervision.

  2. The School Board shall be held harmless, through the execution of a signed agreement, from any liability exposures by the law enforcement agency supervising/having responsibility for the inmates.  

  3. If guidelines are not adhered to, inmates shall not be utilized at that particular campus.  

  4. A deputized person will be in charge and shall directly supervise inmates at all times.

  5. If inmates are used after school, and athletes, pep squad member, cheerleaders, danceline, band members, etc. are nearby, parents must be notified that inmates are working on campus.

  6. Criminal background checks shall be obtained on inmates.



Ref:     Board minutes, 8-30-05, 11-1-05


Avoyelles Parish School Board