Title 17. Education
Chapter 26. Colleges and Universities
Part VI. Powers and Duties of Management Boards
17:3351.21 Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; Louisiana State University at Alexandria; aviation program; course fees; amounts; authority to increase
In addition to the authority granted by any other provision of law and in accordance with Article VII, Section 2.1 of the Constitution of Louisiana, the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College may impose at Louisiana State University at Alexandria the following aviation course fees:
(1) Private Pilot Flight I: $4,600.
(2) Private Pilot Flight II: $4,600.
(3) Instrument Pilot Flight I: $4,900.
(4) Instrument Pilot Flight II: $4,900.
(5) Commercial Pilot Flight I: $16,648.
(6) Commercial Pilot Flight II: $16,648.
(7) Flight Instructor: $7,350.
(8) Multi-Engine Flight: $5,480.
(9) Flight Instructor Instrument: $4,680.
(10) Multi-Engine Flight Instructor: $5,480.
Added by Acts 2021, No. 412, ยง 1, eff. June 18, 2021.