Students shall be required to attend the school in the attendance area in which their residence is located. Students who wish to attend a school other than the one designated for their attendance zone of residence may apply for transfer when circumstances warrant. All requests for transfer shall be in writing, and shall include reasons for the transfer as well as other pertinent information that the court may require. The court-appointed Hardship Committee shall consider for approval all requests for student transfer if such transfer is determined to be in the best interests of the student and the school system. No school shall accept a student not residing in that school's attendance zone unless the student has an approved transfer request on file. Any decision made by the Hardship Committee regarding the transfer of a student may be appealed to the court for a final determination.
All applications for student transfers for out-of-parish or out-of-district requests shall be submitted to the Central Office no later than July 31 to receive consideration by the Hardship Committee.
In order to comply with the continuing obligation to desegregate as per the court’s orders in United States v. Avoyelles Parish School Board (W.D. La. #12,721) and to foster diversity, the Avoyelles Parish School Board (”School Board”) adopts the following:
M-to-M transfer decisions shall be made by the School Board desegregation compliance officer (”DCO”). The decision of the DCO shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the School Board.
The School Board shall utilize M-to-M Transfers at the Pre-K-12 grade levels.
M-to-M transfers shall permit the School Board, upon written request of a parent or legal guardian, to transfer a student whose race is in the majority at his/her home attendance zone to attend another school within the school system in which his/her race is in the minority. Under this policy a student attending a school where his/her race is in the majority may elect to attend a school where his/her race is in the minority. A Majority-to-Minority transfer shall be effective for the student’s entire matriculation at the receiving school or until the student notifies the DCO of an intent to return to the original home school. All requests to return to the home school shall be received by the DCO prior to the beginning of school, on or before the date set by the Board. Students who transfer pursuant to policy shall be immediately eligible to participate on athletic teams at the school to which they transfer.
Transportation shall be provided to all students to and from school. In instances where it is cost prohibitive to provide school bus transportation to a student participating in the M-to-M transfer program, the District shall reimburse a student for his/her transportation cost.
Students wishing to attend a school other than their home attendance zone school pursuant to M-to-M transfer must elect to do so at the commencement of the school year. For students already enrolled in the school system, application should be received prior to the beginning of school, on or before the date set by the Board.
The DCO shall keep updated statistics regarding M-to-M transfers for transmission to the court.
The DCO shall publicize, educate, and aggressively encourage student participation in the M-to-M Transfer Program.
The DCO shall be responsible for as-needed communications with the court regarding compliance with the desegregation order, court approved for M-to-M transfers if needed, and informing the court generally of the status of the student assignment numbers.
LaSAS, although a Charter School, is included in the M-to-M process.
Students shall be required to attend school in accordance with statutory provisions. Students may be permitted to withdraw from school however, if approved by the Superintendent and Board. Such withdrawal must be in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board.
Revised: April, 2005 |
Revised: June, 2008 |
Revised: December, 2008 |
Revised: August, 2010 |
Revised: September, 2010 |
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:104.1, 17:105, 17:106, 17:108, 17:109, 17:111, 17:221, 17:226, 17:227
United States v. Avoyelles Parish School Board (W.D. La. #12,721)
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 3-17-05, 6-3-08, 11-3-08, 2-3-09, 9-7-10, 11-2-10
Avoyelles Parish School Board